Magic Items by Losizi Sol | World Anvil

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Tue 7th May 2019 08:39

Magic Items

by Losizi Sol

Ranger Stones


Guiding Stone


This opal, infused with the power of the ranger stone, radiates with guidance. While attuned, this item allows the wielder to: always know the direction of north, produce the light of a torch on the stone as an action, heats and cools respectively to make the temperature more comfortable, and be protected from the negative effects of temperature except in the most extreme cases.

Band of Beast Affinity

Major Uncommon - Bracelet (800gp)

This silver bracelet has a bit of Sphinx hair wrapped around it, woven together with several furs and a curious strand of white hair.
You gain advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks made to calm or pacify beasts with an Intelligence score of 3 or lower.
Friend of the Wilds: Once per day, you can cast the Animal Friendship spell. This ability refreshes at dawn each day.

[Base Material, Enchantment (2 spells, non-spell)]

Band of Beast Sense

Major Uncommon - Bracelet (850gp)

The second item created to help someone achieve their goals, this finely crafted silver bracelet allows one a connection to a beast otherwise unattainable except through magical means.
Once per day, you can attempt a DC 14 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check on a willing beast you can see within 10 feet of you to create a special bond. If you succeed, you can use your action to see through the beast's eyes and hear what it hears and continue to do so until you use your action to return to your normal senses. While perceiving through the beast's senses, you gain the benefits of any special senses possessed by that creature, though you are blinded and deafened to your own surroundings. Additionally, while using the beast’s senses, you can communicate telepathically with the beast. The bond ends if either you or the beast enters a different plane of existence or if you are unconscious. You can do this for up to 8 hours when the bond fades, and regain the ability to do this at dawn.

[Enchantment x3]

Saddle of the Bestiary

Minor Uncommon - Saddle (250gp)

A carefully crafted saddle, woven of vines and leather. This saddle, in its base form, can fit a large creature.
The user can speak a command word and cause the saddle to grow to fit a huge creature or shrink to fit a medium or smaller creature. Once this ability it used it cannot be used again until next dawn.

[Base Material, Enchantment 2x]

Pufferfish Armor

Minor Rare - Studded Leather Armor (800gp)

AC12 + Dex. Light. 14 lbs

Physical damage you take from non-magical melee weapons is reduced by 1. A creature that attacks you with unarmed strikes or natural weapons takes 1 slashing damage.

[Base Material, Enchanment]

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