I hate these shoes.... by Pipiko | World Anvil
Sat 5th Aug 2023 12:58

I hate these shoes....

by Pipiko Piko

Why did I choose those shoes? I tried to dance and be social like my friends but all I could think about is how much my feet hurt. Whoever recommended glass slippers for a ball needs to meet Sigr's sythe. All through dinner all I could think about was how much I was looking forward to changing clothes. Noni looked great in her outfit, Sigr was dashing, Arjm and her boots were just fantastic and Khojin was very robey. All I wanted was to dance and laugh but the pain got to much for me so i jsut sat there and listened. Arjm asked about the Skysingers for Elle and I was going to join in but was distracted by Khojin's eating wars and being watched by the uppity nobles. Least they weren't wearing the hat.
After dinner, we finally got to change and was taken before the Queen. She is so beautiful and regal and I envy her in the way she carries herself. We had just entered the throne room and was being presented when that dang blasted wizard hiding as Noni's mentor joined these idiots who wanted to take down the Queen. That grumpy guy from the bar went nuts and became one of those monsters and began to try to control the nobles and the Queen. I was so mad about my feet hurting that I wanted to take my anger out on that big beast. But I had to protect those around me as best as I could. We did distract them until the Queen got away but the dork who has been troubling my friends managed to escape. I need to find out how to block that so Sigr can question him. Anyway, we are now in the Crystal chamber, bleeding from the battle, still trouble in the area and my feet still ache. I hate those dang shoes!!!

Continue reading...

  1. I hate these shoes....
  2. He's still a jerk...