A dead werebear by Iefyr | World Anvil

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Sat 8th Jan 2022 01:51

A dead werebear

by Iefyr Phandrar

Goblins: Kill 'em. Weird little human eating creatures.
Typhoon Islands: Wandering Utopia. Not really been colonised. (after HIS check)
Nora: Snarky comment about being " You're a princess somewhere. Arent you. Not used to sleep outside": Answer: That's a nice way to put it. => er klinkt nog iets raar aan wa ze zei....ma ge kunt er u vinger nie echt op leggen. Doesn't know her parents. Didnt lose her memory. Had a rough childhood.
Hunted animals. During the hunt I found wolven footprints.
Werebear. Dead. Was a human. We dont know him. Has scars. Not scars made by animals.
Nora: Prays to Serafina and Evandra.
Meatgast (huge, bulky dwarf with short black hair in a braid) is lying his ass off and knows about the big animals. Grabs me when I want to return. Wants me to bring the big elk back. In the end I good, bring it back" He didnt look sincere after told him Ill bring it back DEAD.
Prayer to Mystra while in the forest: Gave everyone longstrider. (purple haze under the feet)