First encounter in Raven's Rest by Tarcil | World Anvil

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Fri 20th Aug 2021 01:15

First encounter in Raven's Rest

by Tarcil The Human

I arrived in Ravens Rest, a little hamlet in the middle of nowhere.
I went to gather supplies with a new aquantince of mine, Oswald the Acolyte, who helps his family run the towns temple.
On my way to the general shop I noticed the saddest fiddeling I have ever heard in my life.
When I was just about to buy the supplies I would need, but apperently the shop owners dead family memers decided to come and greet the newest customers.
I and the other customers quickly dealed with the 2 risen grandparents and decided to figure out what the cause of the dead no longer resting.
We went to the town graveyard, where I went and did some quick reconnaissance and it turned out to be a halfelf who seemed like she was a bit too obsessed with playing her fiddle.
I tried to get a better insight in her reasioning and she aparently wanted to play for her deceased friends.
We sneaked past the risen townsfolk to try and get closer to the necromancer and took out her 2 skeleton guards. as well as trying to incapacitate her by shooting her hand and destroying her fiddle, the instrument showed to be resistent to fire and she didn't seem to mind the arrow in her hand.

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  1. First encounter in Raven's Rest