Hidden Incentives by R'datih | World Anvil

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Sat 26th Sep 2020 03:24

Hidden Incentives

by R'datih Nunh

I have become an enemy of my people.
After all, I did become tribe nunh, seeing their disrespect and distrust fills me with a wave of unquenchable anger.
That power was supposed to be mine. The whole endeavor I aimed for was to give me the power of the ancients whispered among my people, the might of warriors eld that I tracked for years. I finally had a chance to seize it, and at the pivotal moment, the gift fled me in the hands of my son. After everything I went through to gain the ancient right, I cannot sit and allow my son what he hasn't achieved through effort, as I have.
I've lost all the tribe's respect, and I've no idea where my son is. But this isn't over. I will find him and take what's mine.

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