Gained Respect for Lucky by Joe | World Anvil

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Gained Respect for Lucky

by Joe Jacobson

I write this from my room back in the bar but on a tent,
For the paste few days, I've been in a "assignment" with The Squeaky Duck Boys, commissioned by one of the rich traders from the city. Now he clearly was in need of the "item" he told us to retrieve, for he paid quite well to Lucky, and I got a fair chair tho less than I would have liked. Non-the-less, this new found money gave me a good reason to see the blacksmith about the weird black cube I took from the "exhibit" we "visited". Turns out, the cube is made of a sky stone, he called it an astrioid, and it has quite the magical proprieties, and better quite the value. So I made a deal with him, he keeps half of it for whatever use he wants and in return he pays me a fair sum and uses the other half to smith me a new rapier.
A day later I came back to see the progress and turns out, it was done, and just in time for later I left for the "assignment". And this new sword is one of the most stunning things I've seen... I can control it with my mind's eye, as if I was holding it but from a far, albeit not too much since, according to the smith who I do not see as an "expert" in magic, "You are not very dexterous with your mind's eye".
I named this new rapier "", but I'm not so sure about it yet.
Now about the assignment, it was a show of stealth, something I could not expect from the Duckies, well, at first at least.
In short, we got attacked by unskilled bandits, gave them a fun yet unfair fight, and when in search of their lair, I and lucky wore the clothes of the bandits to infiltrate, we got to the entrance called for "help" for one of the mates was "hurt", killed who came out, called for more "help", killed again, I tell you this bandits were dense like oxen. When people stopped coming out we came in.
Now it was here that I gained respect for lucky, not like but respect, for I saw my opportunity to better my share of the pay and took it, refusing to fight until promised to have my pay increased. WELL, Lucky in disagreement with me, choose to use me as bait for whatever extra men lay inside, he hid and screamed I was an invader and they should come out and kill me. Smart and devious, respectful to my eyes. It did come to bite him in the ass, literally, since what came next were not men but hell-hounds, a creature I do NOT long to see again, but after a tactical, efficient fight we trotted along and reached a central room of the cave. Now to not bore you with horrible descriptions I'll say in there we met a clawed monster who, probably, was blind for he could not hit a thing. Killed that too, with some hardship and brought back the body, assuming it was the "item" desired.
Turns out it wasn't the item was the busted cage, where it and likely something else, escaped from. SO we go back, grab the cage and come back, the donkey I rented escaped, but other than that the second journey was fine.

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  1. Gained Respect for Lucky
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