Session Journal - 9/21/19 by Mellek | World Anvil

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Sun 22nd Sep 2019 05:50

Session Journal - 9/21/19

by Professor Mellek Tynell

The Heroes of Helbaurg convened so we could discuss our next objective. We agreed that it could be in our best interests to go to the new lands and seek the snake goddess herself and to try and put an end to this war. Mr. Stranger volunteered to be our ride as well as our ally in combat, but informed that he must return to the forest to rest and that he could use our help to take out some militant leaders. We agreed, and I teleported us to the forest, where we set up camp and Mr. Stranger parted ways for the night.
* * *
The next morning, Casarrax guided us through the forest to an invading orc outpost and told us of his plan. He needed out help to take out the war chiefs, in hopes it would disperse and slow down the southern invasion. Arriving at the enemy fort, Casarrax, with a mighty bellow of his gargantuan lungs, breathed his lightning-breath tearing a hole through the fortress' walls. We stormed in and engaged in a fierce and bloody battle, ultimately ending in the orc leaders' demise. The sight of their commanders being slain put fear in the eyes of the orc grunts and they dispersed, just as we had hoped for. Casarrax thanked us and said he would now help us get to Aerthenon and put an end to the Snake Queen's tyranny.

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  1. Session Journal - 9/21/19