Rax Day 1 Bertoto by Rax | World Anvil

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Sat 6th Jun 2020 02:02

Rax Day 1 Bertoto

by Rax Moldrok

Found Weird magical bridge and floating stepping stones. Crossed over, friends fell.
Found pressure plate by crossing point to next area, released magic wind thingies, fell am now in jail
Found healing fountain with runes in front of it Telling of the small Void portal that opened in karthia recently but was quickly closed.
Filled waterskin with 'healing water' turned to regular water once we left
entered new chamber fought some creatures including dark
then found a chest in the next room with the Journal of Squiggles entry post
*In the journal Squiggles goes into details on his preparations for the Void invasion*
P 27 "I can feel it, we all can, the races are too stupid, too naive, they believe they're strong because they can beat one another in their petty wars... ridiculous. We, the ones who must live hunted, on the other hand are ready, once they come through the ////////////////////////////////////////////////" (the rest of the page is torn)
P 359 "It is upon us... once the Diva path reclaim the ///////////////////////////////////// " (Giant scratches make the word unreadable) "they will come, and once they do, this world shall know the terror of the Void".

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  1. Rax Day 1 Bertoto
  2. Day 2
  3. WE beat the dungeon