Phantom by Barney | World Anvil

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Sat 8th Aug 2020 09:13


by Barney

Krazaxian Griffon
Large Monstrosity, Unaligned - Exotic 1
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 73 (7d10+35)
Speed 30ft. Fly 80ft.
Str 18 (+4) Dex 15 (+2) Con 16 (+3) Int 2 (-4) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 8 (-1)
Skills Perception +5
Saves Strength +8
Senses Darkvision 60ft. Passive Perception 15
CR 3
Keen Sight. The griffon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Monstrous Vitality. This monstrosity earns 2 additional hit points per hit die.
Relentless. (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). If the griffon takes 20 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead.
Prestige 1
Relentless. (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). If the griffon takes 20 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead.
Prestige 2
Hell Diver. The griffon can use its reaction to halt a freefall at any point without the need to ready action a dash. This ability can not be used if the Griffon’s fly speed is reduced to 0.
Prestige 3
Interceptor. As a bonus action, the griffon can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
Prestige 4
Ace. When this griffon is mounted, the griffon and the rider do not provoke opportunity attacks when they fly out of an enemy's reach.
Multiattack. The griffon makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its claws.
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

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  1. Phantom