Weird New Friends (Episode 3) by Weezil | World Anvil

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Mon 17th Feb 2020 08:09

Weird New Friends (Episode 3)

by Weezil

Cheez, we always bad at making friends with people not animals. Us new friends are people AND animals. They not kick you or Weezil. They nice to us and have shiny bird and giant kitty. No. He not gonna eat you! I think... Oh and the tree. He is big and nice. Oh really? Yah I like the blue one too. She is nice. The big one doesnt scare me. He should, cause he is strong. But him is nice to Cheez and Weezil. WHat Cheez? Yah she a little bit scary to me too. I think her is hiding, why she wear the cloak and hood.
Weezil like it here though. They nice and like us. Me think they need us help. No Cheez, not the town, the new friends. Weezil help new friends, but Cheez still me best friend. No worries. Want a goodberry?