Journey of the Lost by Exar | World Anvil

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Sat 21st Mar 2020 11:08

Journey of the Lost

by Knight of Meyo Exar Boldhunter

Who am i? Where do i hail from?
Questions i was never able to answer... i awoke bloodied and beaten, the only knowledge in my mind of me slaughtering my family. Strange powers at my command... I met Sand during my travels, he was one of the very few i met that did not seem afraid of me. He did the research and found out that my race was called "Minotaur" a long time ago. Cities i do not like, too many people with presumptions. They have never seen my race before. We eventually met our travel companions, Tis the Halfling thief, Jappa the Tortle Cleric, Bob the Paladin and Yog the Sorcerer. During our travels we became quite the efficient team. Sand was the speaker of the group, as a bard he had a natural affinity to talk to crowds and helped me quite often in my awkwardness. Jappa had an evil aura around him but was loyal to the group. Tis's thief tools came in handy many times and if we needed something blown up Yog was willing and crazy enough to assist. Bob as usual was the quiet kind, loyal to a fault. Eventually we ended up in Cloverton where we ended up getting pulled into this mess. We chased a bandit leader into another dimension where horrors turned real. Chasemire... a town of nightmares where time seemed to stand still and we were not able to leave. Hordes of beings nightly raided the town and collected souls for an unknown purpose. We ended up discovering various legends about the knights of Mayo and about my heritage. I was considered a Death Speaker, a minion of the Gods and Bringer of Balance. A tattoo appeared on my back binding me to the Ferry man- the god of Death and Bringer of change. We broke the curse by discovering the love between a druid spirit and the bringer of this chaos. Samuel was his name, unwillingly bringing doom to the town by reading a forbidden passage in a book he received from a lord named Christine. The book trapped the town in a time loop but disappeared after breaking the curse. Once we arrived in Cloverton we discovered that the culling of the thieves had ended and the city waged open war against them. Routing them and destroying them. Lord Christine was nowhere to be found. Trying to discover information led us to the library after which we employed the services of a small faye. The faye itself gave his life in the name of science when he took my payment and disappeared in a dust of glitter. But we were able to discover the location of Christine in Myabar, a mining city in the south. Before this though we ran into the church of the primordials, summoning fire elementals and an agenda of their own which we had not fully revealed as of yet. All we know that they are tied somehow to the time loop. During our travels there we got ambushed by bandits who had in their possession crates containing Lite-On a very combustable material used to power air ships. We ended up returning said crate to the mining city which is where we met Karl, a guild leader in this city. We also discovered another secret. The axe i have carried since i awoke was made from a material not from this world. Extremely powerful and bound to me by some unknown means. Our adventure led us next to an underground dock containing a weird machine, a ship able to travel under water and powered by Lite-On which is where we found our Ranger friend as a prisoner. After returning said shipment Karl's family was kidnapped and our adventure led us udnerground discovering a city of thieves called Sanctuary. Which is where we came head to head with the "Dark" a guild of assassins and not liked by the other thief denizens of said city. We worked out a deal with the order of Midnight to disrupt their actions and rescue Karl's family. Which is also where Yog developed a fascination with their machinations, a siper shaped machine used to carry their scouts. After we rescued the family we ended up running head first into a gelatinous Cube which we ended quickly. Karl was imensely grateful and offered us a safe house due to the Dark having declared open war on the city. Weird mumblings in the night led us to a shop called "Mortys magical things". At first appearing likea nome we quickly discovered that this being was immensely powerful and knowledgable. Able to reveal to me that the slaughter of my people had been a lie. Heconfirmed me as an agent of Good and Bringer of things. He was also able to discern that my axe had been magically locked by immense power. He unlocked it giving me new and strange powers.

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  1. Journey of the Lost