To the Baron of House Phiarlan by Qiphyra | World Anvil

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Mon 18th Sep 2023 12:50

To the Baron of House Phiarlan

by Qiphyra Aries

The final hours spent in Yorel, Qiphyra sits beneath a sagging jungle tree and pulls out a bit of parchment after asking to borrow an ink quill from Morrigan.
'Baron Elvinor Elorrenthi d'Phiarlan of the Shadowfell,
I pen this letter with a heavy heart, seeking the assistance of one whose influence and wisdom traverse the boundaries of our realms. You know me as Qiphyra Aries, daughter to Calanis and Aegnor Aries d’Phiarlan. I am estranged from the house but I remain a humble servant of the Raven Queen, charged with the sacred duty of safeguarding souls and maintaining the delicate balance between life and death. It is with the gravest of concerns that I beseech your aid in a matter that threatens not only the safety of my charge, Laylee Clippertail, but also the very fabric of existence itself.
In the city of Balder's Gate, a series of events has unfolded that I cannot undo. As is my right as a servant of the Raven Queen, I provided a ritual for Miss Clippertail in which she lay claim to her life’s scales. The circumstances are too complex to explain in this letter, but suffice it to say that my actions, while driven by the noblest of intentions, I realize now have left me at the precipice of arrest and condemnation in the eyes of mortals.
My foremost concern, however, is not for my own fate, but for that of Laylee Clippertail, a precious soul I have sworn my protection to under the eye of the Raven Queen. She possesses a power so profound that it has caught the attention of the Wild Hunt itself. We have met with the Seelie Court of the Faewild and some guidance has been provided but we still need help. If Laylee were to fail, the consequences for the material plane and beyond would be dire.
Baron Elvinor, I turn to you, not as a supplicant, but as an agent of the Raven Queen, seeking your sanctuary and wisdom. I humbly request asylum within the protective embrace of your domain in the Shadowfell, where the Wild Hunt's influence wanes. Laylee's life, and the fate of countless souls, hinges upon her safety.
I offer my unwavering allegiance to you, my lord, and to the enigmatic realm you govern. As a paladin of the Raven Queen, I am bound by a sacred oath to serve the balance between life and death. In your presence, I pledge to atone for the mistakes of my past and to stand as a sentinel against the encroaching darkness.
The hour is late, and the shadows grow long. I beseech you, Baron Elvinor, to consider the gravity of our situation and extend your benevolent hand to us in this time of dire need. Laylee Clippertail's safety is paramount, for her destiny is inextricably linked to the very heart of our reality. May the Raven Queen guide your decision.
Yours in unwavering faith and urgency,
Qiphyra Aries, Paladin of the Raven Queen'
They reread the page as the ink dries. Their middle turns with anxiety as they whisper, "Please do not betray me." They wind the letter tightly and seal it with wax.

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  1. The Grand Shindig
  2. Trading the Masked Salesman
  3. To the Baron of House Phiarlan