Crowned Boulette monster hunt. by Brahe | World Anvil

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valka 28, 1205

Crowned Boulette monster hunt.

by Brahe Blue-Shell

Commissioned by count Monteque to hunt an apex Gargantuan Boulette--a Buloth. Sounds like a beef stew dish. Unfortunately I and Gwyn shot it up with poison. Gave Leonardo and Marin a tour of Steton park. 36 CT thanks to survival masters. Had to engage the overgrown mole rat 3 times because it bailed with its legendary charges.
Robin the tabaxi forest druid helped us through the vast swamps and cliff sides. Had to swat away some beasties. raptors, rabbit swarm, wyverns, indrik cows.
Also heard tail of nocturnal Cu-sith fey that are nasty.
Performed Druidic arts: Dragon swarm.
PS; do not prepare a spell when hasted, it will stop haste.
Poisoning 5 ammo and one slashing , lasts one hour in Verum.
975 gp with 30% bonus. and 6 CT, and a war horn.

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