Advent of the Riddlefist! by Squoan | World Anvil

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Fri 23rd Nov 2018 04:11

Advent of the Riddlefist!

by Squoan

Our hero, Squoan "the Serendipitous Riddlefist" Kwikzot, a Gnome Monk of no little renown, found himself alone in a strange land, having temporarily mislaid his Mentor, an Elven Priestess of Onir by the name of Eraiel Othcalt. Travelling North, he came to the Town of Riverbend, where he was tasked with investigating the disappearance of a Fair Half-Elven Maiden, by the even Fairer and Elfier Alwena Umett. Some Guy named Tel was also there. All signs pointed to the involvement of a Werebear, although in what capacity was not known with any exactitude. Squoan accepted the Quest gladly, for such is his self-imposed Geas: to right whatever wrongs he encounters in his Wanderings and to further the cause of justice in all his Actions. All he asked in return was a dance with the Lady Alwena at the upcoming nuptials between the King or Prince of Orham and whoever they were marrying in Abrus, someone equally regal if not more so. Squoan knew not the precise details of the union, for he had spaced out a bit there, but he knew with a certainty that it was a Big Deal.
And so he ventured forth with a hot-tempered captain named Sarett, son of Tel Umett and half-brother to the vanished Half-Elven Maiden, into the unknown wilds. After a day of searching, during which Squoan did not lose sight of the Werebear's tracks even once, Squoan left Sarett behind to scout ahead and arrived at a cabin in the woods, home to a Human Woodchopper named Steingrimur. In the politest possible terms, Squoan let the so-called "Human" know that he was not fooled, he knew a Werebear when he saw one, but he was Cool with Werebears, NBD. At that moment, Sarett – having grown impatient, as was his wont – burst upon the scene and a moment of Awkwardness ensued. Squoan volunteered himself and Sarett to chop wood while Steingrimur fixed them dinner – an invitation the "Human" had extended when he believed Squoan to be alone – which allowed the Gnome to brief Sarett on the situation, and to implore him not to murder the Probable Werebear. They agreed to eat dinner with Steingrimur both to be polite and for information gathering purposes, but to leave before the full moon rose, so they could witness his Eldritch Transformation from afar and track his Ursine Ramblings.