Dorm by Finn | World Anvil

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Sun 12th Mar 2023 03:37


by Finn

Job get thing. Magic school. Festival loud, good for job. Finn see dorm trap. Finn get in back door. Drunk boys, nice, dumb. Finn ask where Wilk, say floor 5. Ride fire. Other distracted, no care job fast. Finn find Wilk room, no Wilk, good for job. Help take thing. Scuttle make big boom. Good distract. Ren do dumb, break window, alarm loud. Take fire down. See guard, tell guard thief top floor. Boys help Finn. Guard believe, go top floor. Finn wrong, Wilk 5, top 12. Good for job. Leave dorm, find Scuttle. Ride horse slums. Win idiots. Trouble, Wilk dead. No Wilk when take. Why Wilk dead? Why blame Finn? Finn do job. Job no have kill. End job get house. Scuttle make plan. Help Scuttle. Dig room. Safe space for Leo.

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