The Valeriad: Book I, Chapter 2 by L. Valeria | World Anvil
Thu 29th Jul 2021 12:52

The Valeriad: Book I, Chapter 2

by Exarchessa of Nikea L. Valeria Vatinius

The band of Mysteria had been accosted by bandits at the end of the previous adventure, and came into the frontier camp for the others of the Dotharans. The band had interrogated the survivor of the ruffians and had found out a rough disposition of the enemy encampment, which had been set up in a nearby town. One Hesior of Rime performed a reconnoiter of the hostile fortification finding out that their defenses had consisted of an old wall and a moat. Curiously the people were nowhere to be seen. Further reconnaissance had proven fruitful as it had appeared that populace took to their chapter house whence they believed themselves under attack, though the Sorenian Army had proven elusive.
The band of Mysteria elected to lead the charge in assaulting the fortifications of the Sorenian Township, with Hesior freezing the moat for the band to cross. The Band of Mysteria, had managed to get far into the town before encountering the paltry defenses. The Band was ambushed close to the center of town by paltry number of the inferior Sorenian Army. In a tremendous show of arms the Sorenians were slaughtered almost to a man before the few survivors surrender to superior arms. After some time securing the town on behalf of the Dotharans the band returned to the Dotharan camp to report on their success.
The Dotharan Camp was under attack when the Band arrived, having been bombarded by the laughably primitive yet still effective artillery of the Sorenians. The Band had reported to their success to Yusuf who was at that point engaged in managing the defenses of his encampment. Valeria and Bea had spent the time Yusuf was busy healing the many wounded and dead, and proved far more effectively than the poorly equipped healers were.
After some discussion it was decided that the bulk of the Dotharans would leave to pursue their own objects on the western approaches whilst the Band of Mysteria would assault the Sorenian fortification across the bridge. With impressive skill at arms, and far superior magics the Band of Myseria dispatched the pathetically guarded Sorenian outpost and seized a goodly number of their artillery platforms. The bridge had been destroyed by Sorenian forces and Valeria was forced to deliver the message alone, giving the enemy time to do something nefarious.

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  1. The Valeriad: Book I, Chapter 2
  2. The Valeriad: Book I, Chapter 1