2019-12-14 by Kelsen | World Anvil

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by Kelsen

[[There are several pillars here. The bleached skeleton of a giant snake is coiled around the north most pillar. On the southeast wall, the words "Certain Death this way" are carved in Common, with an arrow pointing to the southern exit.]]
Someone decides we should head south, so I lead the way. At the end of the first hallway, there's a body covered in a cloak. Cramer shoots a firebolt at it, and a carrion crawler bursts around the corner at us. Two more follow on the ceiling. The first one bites me, which hurts, so I climb up on it so I can stay out of range of its mouth. My handaxe is rather ineffective, but I keep stomping on it and it doesn't seem to like that. Eventually I somehow manage to stomp its eye, and it throws me off as it collapses. I slip on my goo-covered foot and trip, but jump right back up. The others have taken care of a second crawler [[Elyran shoots it through the mouth and it deflates]], and I scramble up the final crawler - it was fun the first time. Stomping on this one cracks the shell, leaving me standing in a puddle of crawler guts. Yuck. But it was fun anyway!
Around the corner, past the dead goblin, the passage widens. Three pickaxes and two shovels rest atop piles of rubble at the mouth of a 5-ft-wide, 5-ft-high tunnel that meanders through collapsed stone. Rubble covers the floor of this small chamber.
After some discussion, not all of it relevant to our current mission to find the missing nobleman, I head down the rough tunnel, and the others follow. A couple of twists and turns later, we come upon a chamber of worked stone, much like the dungeon on the other side of the tunnel.
Half-buried in stone debris at the north end of this partially collapsed hall is a headless stone statue of a nude woman. Yela finds the head, and Deborah mends the statue.
The collapse of the chamber appears to have been caused by the tunnel, which was an attempt to connect the hallway to this chamber. Only partially successful, and not particularly well done.
As we barricade ourselves in, Sir Cramer heads back out to speak to Elyran, who seems strangely reluctant to enter the tunnel. He returns and berates Yela for her choice in friends. Seems Elyran left without a word. Wonder what's up with her. She seemed oddly uncomfortable ever since we came underground.

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  1. 2019-12-14
  2. 2019-12-28