The Weak are meat and the Strong will eat by Jeckyll | World Anvil

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Thu 2nd May 2019 01:06

The Weak are meat and the Strong will eat

by Jeckyll

“We should have never come back here.”
A lone druid who was walking down the wasting road stops, and looks around.

“ In our desperate attempts to find a new purpose in these desolate and ravaged lands, we have only discovered the harsh truth that we tried so hard to flee from. The weak will die while the strong thrive, that is how it has always been and will continue to be.”
The man will readjust his crooked and ragged skull.

“No longer will we be scavengers, feasting upon the scraps of our people. We will not be the prey rather we will be the predator.”
From his inside coat pocket, he will grab a handful of finger bones from his pocket and stare at them.

“No longer will we carry the burdens of our sins. We will break free from the chains of morality that have kept us confused and crippled. That is the first step we must take toward becoming the strong, to become the consumer rather than the consumed.”
He tosses the giant handful of fingers aside and begins to move back down the path he came.

“Good luck my people, survive and become strong.”
— Jeckyll's Revelation


Walking away from the shambles of the Hold of Horrors, Jeckyll choose to return home, back to the horrible Badlands so that he may live with his people once more. Once more he lived and thrived in these lands while those around him curled up and died. Once more he feasted upon their rotting corpse in order to survive and thrive. Now after one year, once more he decides to leave his people behind so that he may become stronger, and eat and kill all that oppose him.

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  1. Super Secret Things
  2. Info Dump
  3. The Weak are meat and the Strong will eat