So It Begins... by Bojac | World Anvil

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Mon 27th Sep 2021 04:07

So It Begins...

by Bojac the Monk

Bojac has found himself living in Deadplains since for the last several years, ever since the brutal destruction of his group at from the Blackhand.
Its wintertime, but still fairly hot and dry, but the shadowfall approaches. A collection of 2 months where there is a little sunlight in the morning and towards the evening but is predominantly dark and dreary. During this time Bojac finds himself working on the Clayton Homestead as farmhand as the second shadowfall approaches. Not much farming currently, but more general maintained and livestock moving. It monotonous but earns his page. But today the monotony is broken up by frontier soldier troop coming down the road with several people that you know, with cobbled cloths and weapons...seemingly constripted but Bojac goes back to his business. The second out of the ordinary event occurs as the elfish sheriff of Deadplains approaches Bojac...
After a short and cordial exchange the Sheriff ask Bojac for help once he's done at the farmstead since the Frontier soldiers took all his deputies. Bojac agrees and upon finishing his work at the farmstead, collects the days pay, his stuff, and heads to see the Sheriff Lawrence.
After arriving, Bojac approaches the Sheriff and sits across as he explains the current situation. After explaining the situation Bojac agrees to help the Sheriff with some wanted men nearby, after declining any weapons or armor from the sheriff, they head to the relay station in order procure a mount. After consideration, Bojac forms a special bond with a horse and heads out with the Sheriff. Both keeping a weather eye out on the road.
Bojac catches first sight of a broken down carriage, and informs Sheriff Lawrence. They hitch their horses and quietly approach the carriage, with Bojac approaching from the left with Lawrence having his weapons' ready. Bojac surveys the area before approaching the carriage with Sheriff Lawrence. The carriage is robbed and empty, the Sheriff and Bojac make their way deeper into the woods pursuing the perpetrators. Bojac and the Sheriff almost walk in a campsite of bandits and have to devise a plan. They decide to draw one of the bandits from fire by laying a snare ten feet back from the tree line, and hide. Then Bojac creates the distraction noise to draw one away, the bandit approaches and falls into the snare trap. The other bandit hearing the commotion runs away 30 feet to the north. Lawrence gets a shot off and injurys the one running as Bojac dashes and knocks out the one running. The snared bandit gets loose and Bojac dashes back and knocks out the bandit as they turn to attack Sheriff Lawrence. After searching the merchant and bandits they took him back to the jail. The sheriff ask if Bojac would possibly be willing to help with task these in these type of task in the future, and Sheriff Lawrence graciously put him in the inn for the night.

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  1. So It Begins...
  2. The Stagecoach Conundrum