Is this real life? by Isabelle | World Anvil

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Is this real life?

by Dr. Isabelle Taylor

The past 6 months have been a whirlwind of highs and lows, and it’s hard to even express my feelings with words.
Mostly, I’m sad… sad that a man who changed my life… is gone from it. I’ve researched the facility, but everything was tied up in a tidy knot. Arson… and one dead. Did he escape? I know now he’s not the one who died… that was confirmed by Alex to be the lead physician at the facility… Clifford. Maybe Clifford died elsewhere? It just seems too… coincidental for that to be the case.
When he held me and kissed me goodbye, I felt like my dreams had come true. My silly schoolgirl crush may be answered. I thought it would be a few weeks, and he’d come to us and confess feelings… but he didn’t. So why did he save us? Why did he risk his life for us? Where is he?
Why is it that only Travis, Nox and Mr. Riddick even know of him? Maybe I’m really still there, trapped in hell, and finally snapped, crafting a world where I have a very different life from before...
I’m scared to wake up.

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  1. Isabelle (Izzy) Taylor - Backstory
  2. Is this real life?
  3. Precinct 10?