Exploration by Demitri | World Anvil

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21st April 1410


by Demitri Lunar

As I become more accustomed to the surface, the more it confuses me. After traveling to Poland for an investigation, Beauregard and I found ourselves taking a job from a local Baron(whatever that may be) titled Saxon to rid a nearby village outskirts of some white tusk orcs in trade of becoming knighted by him. I can care less about becoming a knight, but perhaps if others hear of a drow knighted by a surface dweller, they may give me a chance. We were paired up a worshipper of The Great Loved One which was great. Giselle hardly flinched when I introduced myself as Demitri. Along the journey we also were paired up with two fierce warriors from Draconia. Sassana, an Eladrin samurai of sorts, and Val'shann, from what I could gather is a paladin with scales plaguing their skin. I believe they called themselves a dragonborn. Both of them scowled when they realized I was traveling along side them as a companion, rather than a target for the blade end of their weaponry. It's going to be a long ways moving forward to show myself as someone to trust and not keep at a distant. I guess as more things change the more they also stay the same.
Over the course of the following weeks sir knight Robes escorted us to the village of Greenstone, but did not accompany us any further as we made it to the outskirts of town. Made sense. Our party was tasked with eradicating the orcs, not him.
As the party and I made our way to the village, we found ourselves already bound to danger. The village was being ransacked by white tusk orcs and goblinoids, kidnapping and killing villagers. We were able to save a woman by the name of Kasa who was being dragged off by some orcs. We couldn't celebrate for long, as we had to rush in to save the others in the village. I did my best to support the others, but the flames were too much for me. At least I was able to uphold my hasting magic and do my best from the back-line, nearly dying to a shadow assassin who took the form of a giant cat. Apparently called Tabaxi, I must do some research later to make sure it doesn't happen again. Gods be thee as a Necromancer woman came and picked up the slack where I could not provide to the battle, being poisoned and all.
After ridding of the orcs, I was glad to see there were numerous villagers still alive. They mostly gave me the stink eye, refusing my healing. I just appreciate Giselle being there to heal those I couldn't.
After making sure the village was okay, I had to talk Sassanna out from running ahead to take on the orc encampment. If the drow militia taught me anything back home, it's too strike while the enemy is recovering. The orcs attacked this human village at night for the lack of night vision. They most certainly will be recovering during the day. I just hope we can recover all our magic and strength before the enemy recovers their own.
I'm currently writing this underneath a great tree outside of town. Sadly the moon isn't out, but the nights still beautiful. The rest of the group are taking up camp in the local tavern. Free room and board as thanks for saving them. It's been nearly a year since I've left home. The surface is nothing like I expected. If anything, its more dangerous. I have a long road ahead of me, hopefully I have the strength to endure it.
-Demitri then writes a sidenote in undercommon-
Lodias ser viewing uns'aa zil natha raghvaril, vel'bolen morfethe filut. Ilythiiri inbal built Drasvens phor de' massacres lueth Chiana. Elnoar. Eilistraee qualla mrimm uns'aa harl ussta colbauth.

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  1. Exploration
    21st April 1410
  2. Tragedy