Sacrifice by Nell | World Anvil

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by Nell

We remained in the camp through the afternoon and night, to leave the next morning. It was still tense. You could feel it in the air.
I overheard Adrienne explaining that gnolls worship a demon lord, which probably explains where the crown came from. She directed Skhug and Yum to further identify the crown: "The crown grants the wearer 20 Strength, and allows them to instill fear around them once per dawn. However, these benefits are only conferred to creatures with the evil alignment." I overheard whispers of the other items: a +1 trident, a ring and a sentinel shield connected to someone called "Rynald". Not to mention Braeden's cloak (from when I met their party).
Of course, everyone looked to me as Yum finished his inspection. I didn't answer; by the gods, I don't think I could attune to the crown even if I wanted to. I old spoke up when Adrienne insisted her artificer guild wanted to protect the crown: "I am from a religious group, and we are better equipped to protect it."
And with that, I swayed the bard Martin to my side.
Yum was the arbiter her: stooped over his cooking pot, he reasoned that we should head to whichever group is closer. Definitely the artificing guild (inside Ferrambula), but I didn't tell them that. Regardless, they chose the college. "We could drop it off on the way," Khalida offered. She -- the other woman of faith -- seemed to be on my side.
I'll have to play this the long way: Braeden had the crown, as frustrating as that may be... until it was given to Khalida. Thank the gods. I'll keep her close.
And in a stroke of good luck, Adrienne even apologized for absconding (alongside Braeden) with my horse and mule.
Fate changes. I pray it is better to me as time passes.

On the way to Ferrambula, questions were asked of Yum: about his race as a satyr and his cooking skills.

College at Ferrambula

Once we entered the city gates, Braeden broke away to "drop stuff off at home". Asshole. I followed the rest to return some book to one of the lesser-offs. I waited outside, but it sounded cute. We found Braeden again, and made path to the college. Inside, I followed the group to their teacher, Professor Longshoe. Thankfully Martin recounted the adventure so far -- painting me in a better light than I could expect. Skhug talked on the crown of pain itself .
Khalida interjected, and I lost it: "But are you evil?"
Doubt crossed Yum and Khalida's faces, but I brushed them off.
Instead of the crown, I was given a scrap of parchment.
There goes my job. The professor did mention Muriel and a vault -- perhaps where the crown was going.
To the academics, he explained that their next mission was written on a sealed parchment (that he gave Adrienne). He did pay each of us though: 4gp a head.
I noticed the Seal was Acroyian. I could swear it was the royal seal. But to this ragged bunch? I'd never believe it.
Adrienne's tongue slipped, and it didn't take more than a fool to put two and two together. A new world to the east had been discovered, and this group was invited to explore it. Prof. Longshoe explained further, that a ship had been lost and scrying has failed. So an adventure that we could never return from. And with the position they put me in, this could be my escape from Ferrambula.
Now, to quietly make my way back to the Iron Hall and collect my things -- hopefully without too much attention.
If they don't know I've returned, they can't ask any questions.

Continue reading...

  1. Prologue: Getting the Story Straight
  2. A Tenuous Alliance
  3. Assault on the Camp
  4. Sacrifice
  5. Getting Underway
  6. Squaring Sail