Session Date 2021-02-07 by Raven | World Anvil

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Mon 8th Feb 2021 03:34

Session Date 2021-02-07

by Raven

[[From GM: You see the cave in the area first, and notice immediately that the area around it is made of crumbling shale. Upon a closer inspection, you see more paw prints - dog prints, in the soft crumbling bits around the hole.]]
We find Indy (Juan's ghouled dog) at the bottom of a cave-in/pit. Lottie climbs down (with the assistance of some rope and a climbing harness) and fetches him.
[[From GM: For just a moment before the door is sealed, the floor of this cavern appears to be covered with writhing serpents, but the vision fades with the laughter]]
[[From GM: You do not rest easily, plagued throughout the day by visions that you cannot seem to remember clearly when you wake. Images of serpents, large cats, and a disembodied beating heart are all that you can recall clearly.]]
As we're getting up and thinking about packing up and trying to leave, four werejaguars appear at the holes in the ceiling. One of them drops down to join us in the cavern, and the others look ready to follow.
[activate Unseen Passage, to help them not notice me...]