S2 240108 shopping and an ambush thwarted by Chael | World Anvil

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S2 240108 shopping and an ambush thwarted

by Inheritor Chael

Ist a feeling hope to never grow fond of. The stillness after battle.
Miss Mara made request for honorific different as Miss seemed to suggest an old maid to her sensibilities. Wilt make honor to such request in way simple. Wilt call of her Honored Mara. A boar was laid low by her hunting and Sir Ashton prepared something oft a feast with it. Miss Rux refused to partake with the others. So brought to her a bowl as she remained in the wagon and gave unto her my company.
Attempted I did then to carve of graves for the fallen. Wicked men they may have been, but they were men still. Doubtless with those who once loved of them and some of whom have those who will ever wonder what happened to they who will never return.
It gives pause upon mine mind. Wilt mine kin wonder of what happened to my person should I not return? Else wilt they just pass hope onto Tobiah and pine still for Haverthorn who ever was the favored one?
Ist not good thoughts. Miss Rux did much to spare me oft them as she partook in stew of Ashton's making. Ist a hardy brew, good for body and resting of bones.
This place we fought over. A ruin of bygone war some two hundred years in the past. For whom were those who manned it or those who fought for it I know not, but know ist not those we fought to take of it. Their works were wicked with the top floor holding some creatures strange, a journal detailed some parts of their creation and made Miss Velvet most displeased. Found within as well was a vial of black ichor containing a green crystal shard within which may have been the seed the readings had spoken of. Some thought to take to academy, but decided to speak on it in Maford, mayhaps even Duke Athalos of the Stagdews. In time we would speak of it to him, and also to Merchant Marigold Hilltopple, keeper of the Ten of Eyes shop. Merchant Marigold made claim black goo wast coagulated blood of sort, but did not know oft the crystal. Merchant Marigold offered to run ritual of identify for seventy five gold with Harper ruining the sale by stating he could do so too, for free. Made me wisht to scold him and correct that he could do it too for fifty. Have need to teach of haggling.
Harper's magicks after learnt that this crystal once was shard of silver. Now after boiling of blood of demons turned to colour near to emerald. Ist given purpose to act almost as a tuning rod for the planes. With such stated Student ArlanVal put forth mayhaps be a plane attuning rod whatever such a thing may be. Sir Harper and the others spoke of the people in the bandit camp being used of fuel for the strange creatures we slew the night afore. Have no concept of how such might be true.
Such words I put little thought into hearing only next Sir Harper to state this to be a ten pounds of nope in a five pound bag, wished to ask if this may be akin to my six demon bag, but thought without true words of wisdom to keep mine words to myself.
But such was yet to come. Still within the now claimed fortress Guard Captain Adalaide Budd suggested recovering here for night, and we agreed. Was a passable night and on the morrow traveled back to Maford without haste. Sir Harper kept of Miss Rux company as we all went to see the Lord Stagdew for payment of services rendered. He wast informed of the happenings and oft the activities oft cults. In return for bandit clearings and goods recovery we made one hundred and fifty coin and then a further fifty in kind. Miss Velvet wast offered letter by Lord Athalos Stagdew to take unto Twin Rivers to detail what was found of cults and the like. Seems good use of time? So we all agreed most5 naturally. Even ift the one tasked wast Miss Velvet and she one given a token to hold attentions oft the Captain of the Guards of twin river for whom the message wast meant.
Only other parcel of note wast silver locket with the name Arther Dudland etched upon it handed to Lord Stagdew. He knew the name engraved and stated such wast a gem merchant who plied a route between Hotlake, Maford and Sweetport. There was sadness in accepting such a trinket. I doth not envy his need to speak to family members as all those taken hostage were long gone from bandit camp by time we arrived.
Afore we left Lord Stagdew assured that vice headmaster Drakewarden earned the assistance requested, making Student Arlanval most happy.
On leaving most agreed a journey to Twin River wise. Sir Harper and mine person have no plans for future, yet felt need to speak unto Student ArlanVal on his ties to academy on behalf of Miss Rux. Miss Rux I feel came from there, and ift ArlanVal didst as well it may be why she ist so ill at ease with him. Thought mayhaps he a pet as Miss Rux seems to have been, yet he assured he ist but a student, and did not know well the head master, but did know of assistant headmaster Drakewarden who raised him for better or for ill. Will have need to ask Miss Rux of this assistant headmaster. Mayhap this is one she knows and would give of cause for avoiding such conversation in the future?
After this we came to visit at Ten of Eyes. Here the Student ArlanVal and Sir Ashton made joint purchase of overpriced potion of healing property of which promptly given unto Sir Ashton, I made purchase of enough herbs to make four such potions and alchemy kit to make attempt at other potions as such mayhaps be needed on journeys walked.
Tradings done Sir Harper gave much great performance in the town square with Honored Mara making choice to play of the bag and pipes. Great noise and sound from it which should not have came together with song of Sir Harper, yet it did in way that was good enough to draw Miss Rux from her hideaway within my merchant caravan. Had I of noticed sooner wouldst of tried to stop of her. For student ArlanVal was in open and seemed to know of Miss Rux just as much as she knew of him, a turning of the moon had not expected so soon to be uncovered. Student ArlanVal stated that his patron wouldst not know of wyrmling's location, ast her freedom wast her own. Such ist good. There ist much good trade in the Kingdom of Shimmerlake, and in truth mine home. Would be of a challenge to restrict journeys only to these northern lands of the Accord.
Leaving Maford at this time would arrive late at night to Twin River. My vision ist better than most and dark do not of bother me. Harper gave assurance that mine wagon was oft comfortable so others were open to such a journey. Good man.
Upon travels came to group of bandits oft goblin sort. remembered such creatures being made mention to be known to bandit this route, so made suggestion to pretend to be unguarded cart. Ift goblins came forth to attack then they art bandits, ift not then allow to camp unbothered by our personage.
To my regrets they came forth most proud, two great goblins with hairy bodies and snarling grins. Demanded of our goods on threat of force and fell afore our violent swift retribution. Two goblins fled into the night, and one dropped his gear on threat of violence, told him I did to send message to others that these roads are not for bandits on pain of death and ran off with haste.
On arrival to Twin River we took to cheapest inn for night. Mayhaps coin might be saved until mine newest tradegoods may be offloaded. All but Miss Velvet stayed in such an inn. She instead went to her home and visited oft her patron. Man known as Merchant Shane Davenport. In morn Miss Velvet returned to us and made mention that the churches are on mild alert for activity of cultists which she said is of normal for Twin River. Seems ever since founding of the city people can disappear here as ist more densely populated than any other cities in Accord. Ist no help that the disturbed come to likewise be attracted here leading to regular problems of people worshipping darker powers.
Whatever such may mean.
Wouldst like to of know difference between powers light or dark, for feel such ist important.
Mayhaps ask of such later...

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  1. S1 240102 A new party
  2. S2 240108 shopping and an ambush thwarted
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  14. S14