Near death and new friends by Harper | World Anvil

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night after raid.

Near death and new friends

by Harper Bowen

Thus far my travels with Chael and Rux have been both fun and enlightening, he's a good man. I hope i can help him in finding his query and i doubt anyone would check a merchants cart for the likes of me~.
Within a group traveling with, there is another tiefling, a magician, a powerful barbarian...then there is this fellow, Ashton. He called me Devil, that is interesting, I Know my sibling mentioned there were some prejudice of our kind but man, this guy i think actually thinks i'm a devil. I'd be offended if i didn't find it so funny. I'm going to have to bother him with "EVIL" things like singing songs and healing people. Perhaps i can get him to drop the pretense of what he thinks we are...then again i may reinforce it, either way it'll be fun to see his reactions.
We were similarly pulled into helping with bandits that lead to a cult, how exciting! this is the kind of stuff i could make into new songs with flair. though arrows hurt much more than i realized. the real world is more painful than the tales make it seem.
til later my journal~

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  1. Near death and new friends
    night after raid.