Space Flight by Mizuno | World Anvil

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Sat 4th Mar 2023 11:32

Space Flight

by Mizuno Misashi

Thank you Honoured ones.
My Name is Mizuno Masashi, I am known by the name Kossori. I have been chosen to join other agents of our distinguished assembly to covertly gather information and plans of the food regulator on the soon to depart Zep 25, space worthy refitted Zeppelin ship.
The ship is large and there are many people on board. It feels like I am back in Yokohama City as we are herded onto the ship. My travel companions are Mathias Fiacre, Darnell Williams, Ammon and a peculiar man who only goes by the initials TSB. We are among the elite of our August Assembly, they trust that we will have the skills to pull off this caper.
Strangely enough, there is a vast assortment of robots serving as "guards" on the ship. I wonder if they are truly expecting us or someone to try something. We have had our weapons smuggled aboard by a trusted associate. Well as trusted as anyone who is getting paid to smuggle banned items onto a flagship can be. But that is a story for another time.
All is going well, we have determined the location of our cached weapons, but getting to them might be problematic. Perhaps we will need a distraction to get to them.
Mathias wanders around the area with a "Blank" expression on his face, when asked what he is doing he tells us he is searching for the location of the items we are after. He may require assistance to keep others from engaging him while he "Searches". Not a favourite past time of mine but still.
Following the other team members around, I look for ways to get past the security measures in place. Any windows I can look through I can also teleport through but most of the windows have been tinted to prevent seeing through them. Pity.
The others are engaging the Concierge and the Chef in conversation, but I do not pay much attention to them. After a short time, Mathias reveals that there is a pile of slime in the area where the replicator is located. After a fairly heated exchange between Darnell and the Chef, she heads off and goes back into the food prep area. He suddenly goes stiff and then shares with us that the Chef, just turned into slime when touching the other slime. The food from the replicator has started being passed out to the patrons on the ship.
While we wait to see what comes next we hear screaming from the side already receiving food and realise that those patrons have also been turned into slime!! DON"T EAT THE FOOD!!
We join the rushing crowds of people and go to find our weapons. Our way is blocked by a Zep Bot, I hide behind Darnell and try to create some marbles from the air, I only succeed in creating 3, not a good start to this adventure. The bot notices me creating the marbles and that opens up an unexpected contingency as it begins to attack. Darnell takes the big part of its attack, I teleport through the window behind the bot to hopefully access the replication area, but am thwarted by the mechanics of the place. TSB tries to tackle another of the bots and goes down hard for his efforts.
He is dragged away by the bot.
Mathias fiddles with the elevator controls to gain access to our weapons. The bot that knocked out Darnell turns its attention to Mathias and sucker punches him. Ammon ignores my attempt to get him to come through the doorway and instead goes and grabs a weapon from beneath the elevator. I come out of the area see the weapon cache and teleport down to it.
Ammon attacks the bot that is carrying Mathias off damaging it severely. I now have both my Slimsteel knife and also a revolver. Things are beginning to look up!

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  1. Space Flight