A Bug's Life, the Dallas reboot by Alexander "Alex" | World Anvil

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A Bug's Life, the Dallas reboot

by Alexander "Alex" Taylor

What a wild first night back in Dallas. We have come back to determine the fate of Silas, but like most missions nothing goes as planned. Our first task was to get intergraded into the Dallas night life. What better way than to visit the famous Hotel Continental and...Casino. It was everything I excepted it to be, no expense spared for comfort and luxury.
It did not take much time for us to get acclimated to our surroundings. Trevor and I settled in for a little booze, schmooze, and a little gambling. Izzy did her thing of tag a long and observe the lay of the land. After an hour of fun, we all got down to work. Izzy found some work in her wheelhouse, which was nose deep in a laptop. It took her no time to score some favor with the manager Ian. Trevor and I discussed the other contracts that were available and chose to divide and conquer. He found employment handling the posh job of babysitting a politician during a rally, while I drew up the escort gig. Naomi Watkins, investigative reporter hired by the Continental to look into some potentially disturbing news and determine if the story should be "buried". She apparently does a lot of work finding the "truth", and then promptly figures if it's a story that should see light or remains in the shadows. The stories that lead to the ugly truth in Dallas can be more than the DMN hazard pay can cover. So this is where I, or I should say "we" come in. Meet Mason Kline, also investigative reporter for none other than... The Plano Gazette. Pulitzer Prize kind of shit, less the Pulitzer Prize part. Mason is my kind of people though. My boy doesn't mind getting his hands dirty to get that story. Meet Konrad Dusan, aka "The Mechanic". Actually I think he is more the Jason Statham kind of mechanic and less like the grease monkey. But Konrad is my DWAG!! This boy is the stone cold , heart eating Jeffery Dahmer mother fucker. But kudos to him for down playing this "I'm salt of the earth" persona. Speaking of "of the earth", meet Eustace Davis, tea sommelier. Izzy was a fan of his tea house, although it's not really my cup of tea...(yeah that's a dad joke) he still brews a kick ass drink. One of these days I think I will need to pay his farm a visit.
So our Motley Crue of mercs show up to offer our assistance to escort Naomi to the sinkhole formed at what previously the courthouse museum. Rumors had it that homeless people were seen being kidnapped and taken down into the sinkhole. Upon arriving, the group did a little recon and learned that the sinkhole had an access point of what resembles a well constructed metal shaft, much like a large service elevator. Mason and I geared up and scouted down the shaft to determine its stability and assess any threats, and threats we did find. We repelled down about 40 ft before finding a man made tunnel. upon entry into the tunnel, we encountered what could only be described as bugmen. They were some hybrid of human and insect. Our new found friends wanted to extend that "Sweet Southern Hospitality" that I have heard so much about, but they did not feel that only 5 of their friends were enough, so they rushed off to find more family to introduce us to. In the meantime, we invited Naomi down to explore and document her story. Eustace and Konrad held over watch up top in case more of the bug family came to visit. We explored for about an hour and stumbled upon a individual who appeared to have been attacked and was either unconscious or dead. Either way, we brought him along for extraction and medical assistance. About that time, our Southern friends returned with around a dozen more family. Well Mason and I were more than ecstatic to share some "pie and punch". After about 5 minutes, our new friends had about as much punch as they could handle and took their leave. I thought these Texas boys could hold their liquor, but all they ended up with was holding my beer. We found a path that led into the tunnels beneath the downtown area and called friend of Naomi to provide medical attention for our victim. Not sure what condition the individual ended up as, but the job was for Naomi and for that we were mission successful.
So this hive of bugmen will be an issue for Dallas if someone doesn't take action soon. I wonder how long it will be before we reach critical mass and its zombie apocalypses, the bugmen remix version?

Continue reading...

  1. A Bug's Life, the Dallas reboot
  2. Agent Smith & Ghost
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