Lost Garden City of Pazar by Cramus | World Anvil

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27th day of Arwassa in the year of 146 NE

Lost Garden City of Pazar

by Knowledge Warden Cramus Wrenth

The statue I had seen in the distance was massive, and the tablet it held was covered in sand and dust as if no one had been there in many decades. I could barely make out the words "name" and "city", but after walking up the side of the statue, I was able to clear it off to reveal:
"My name is Maizemus. Look upon the ruins of the great city that surrounds you and despair. Here, great magic once was. Now, you see only the mighty ruins of mens' works. We held back the water while we could, and now it has killed us."
Just as we were thinking about what it could mean, Jaimis fell into the ruins below. It's like the sand below him just caved! Merosh quickly lowered his rope of climbing and Fy and Thallan took off down it in flashing style. Merosh and I quickly staked down the camp and both slide down the rope, where I was greeted by the sight of two giant spiders.
I should have known that web wouldn't work against a spider, but my curiousity got the best of me and I tried anyway. Fy decided to herself turn into a giant spider to better feel along the webbing, but it didn't matter; Thallan dispatched of the spiders in good fashion while Jaimis took a nasty bite to the chest. Afterwards, I could see the pain in Jaimis's eyes, so I "restored" his sword to its former glory. He seemed pleased.
Jaimis complained about a humming coming from the large set of doors in the room. There's text on the door, but I'm unable to read it despite my best efforts. I think upon how I can do better as I walk with Thallan to explore the north passage from here, while Merosh and Fy go to the south. Thallan and I find nothing, but when I venture to the south with Fy, we encounter some dusty books with a note that pulled to me. I couldn't make out the whole thing, but Merosh was willing to help out with his very useful ability to translate any language, and discovered:
"Thus facing the great doors, and passing the right hand before them, speak 'Sakha al Jinni.' Then approach the first and speak "Alhamduhla." So shall the way be open unto you. Speak then "Bismilla" and "Duban" and thee shall be within thy hand's reach of the great of all."
Despite the scholarly efforts of myself and Merosh, Thallan of all people is able to solve the riddle in confident fashion. His efforts "rewarded" us with a six-wedged black star on an altar. They "convince" me to levitate it off of the pedestal, and as I do, I hear the words booming:
"So Mar'tek thought that he could hold me. He thought that he could defeat me. I am the ifriti who will destroy your world, and you have unleashed me on this desert! Nothing will stop me! I'm not afriad of an old dead human, I come from-"
As he's saying his last word, rumbling echoes throughout the walls. Dust begins pouring down, and I get the sense that some of my party cannot see. I begin to peer around to find some sort of exit or insight that will lead us to deeper knowledge, and I see a black door! Upon approach, it revealed itself to just be a wall, but I swear I saw it. A falling rock battered shoulder, and I knew that I couldn't spend more time seeking it. Peering around, I found exit with Merosh and his handy rope. Once again, he's saved us.
Thallan deftly grabbed a paper from the tomb before ascending, and we pored over the map. A pyramid with a fountain outside gave us a clue as to where we should journey next. We definitely think this is the pyramid of Tur'Bakaar. As the rumbles settle, Fy, in a flash of insight, skitters up the statue in her spider form to peer out over the desert. She claims that she saw a dragon encircling a rock. I climb to verify, and relay that I see nothing but a black door. It seems suspicious. Maybe there's something wrong with me.
I'm going to sleep this off.

Continue reading...

  1. Cave Twenty-Six
    21st day of Arwassa in the year of 146 NE
  2. The Desert and our First Camp
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  3. The Desert of Desolation is Desolate
    25th day of Arwassa in the year of 146 NE
  4. On Our Own with Jaimis
    26th day of Arwassa in the year of 146 NE
  5. Lost Garden City of Pazar
    27th day of Arwassa in the year of 146 NE
  6. Still Seeing Things
    28th day of Arwassa in the year of 146 NE
  7. They See Things Too!
    29th day of Arwassa in the year of 146 NE