NM Epilogue, LA Prologue by Hyosuke | World Anvil

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Day 45

NM Epilogue, LA Prologue

by Hyosuke Asakura

I can only hope the foundation makes good use of the dangerously alien technology we uncovered in New Mexico but I have little faith in organizations with such guarded secrets. I managed to get some more details from a Dr. Wilson at the foundation which led me to research another dangerous organization directly linked to the alien tech. The foundation apparently houses two more pieces of Anderson Robotics tech item #SCP079 something Euclid a sentient AI soul? bound to a computer not allowed network access for fear of it wreaking havok, along with a robotic body the AI use to inhabit. It seems the foundation was able to 'exorcise' the AI and trap it in it's current container. I really don't know what to make of this so I'll keep this to myself for now but i have no doubt we will encounter Anderson Robotics eventually. Trained with Duke in the escrima arts again. Wish I could've offered some better dating advice in exchange for the session but I felt a little improved afterwards. Had to slow things down with Harry but it was a mutual understanding so hopefully we can continue being friends. At the same time, the big 5 or whoever they are at the top warned me against hacking the foundation, ominous but if they continue to withhold pertinent information about our potential enemies, I have to take it upon myself to enlighten our team. New Brothers of Paradise is our next target who apparently target the LGBTQ+ community. Led by Virgil Mac a fundamentalist. Their tactics include surveilance and catfishing to recruit more members. They worship a possessed puppet calling itself Aslan, a fallen angel. Our mission, rescue the kidnapped members, capture or banish Aslan, investigate the Serpents Hand. Our briefing also included a short seminar on holy items and exorcisms, which brought to mind something about my family history I'd almost forgotten, we had shamans and exorcists in our lineage. FOllowing our lesson, we interrogated some of the actors who managed to escape the cult. They couldn't tell us exactly what they saw so Hilda suggested they communicate through more creative means. Thus did one boy attempt to tell us through a mix of origami figures and drawings. Eventually we worked out that anyone who speaks of what they saw and was branded by Aslan's rune does indeed turn into a goat. Prof. Rude was even called in to confirm this, apparently he can detect such runes even when they're invisible to the naked eye, something that would be highly useful on this mission.

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