First Officer's Log: Stardate 47515.4 by Hellek | World Anvil

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Stardate 47515.4

First Officer's Log: Stardate 47515.4

by Hellek

Elicona sector, investigating the U.S.S. Alcubierre (continued). I count it as a success that the captain did not lead this away mission personally this time, as he sometimes insists on doing. The ride was more bumpy than expected but apparently the subspace interference was also to blame for that. Ensign McDonnell noticed that the bay doors mysteriously opened and decided to land in the shuttle bay. There was no welcoming party however so we were left wondering who let us onto the ship. Quick investigation of the control panel revealed most of the ships systems were down, though life support appeared operational on auxiliary power. The door leading to the corridor was only partially opened, so we had to find a way to access the rest of the ship. After the emergency hand actuator broke, it was up to Lt. Skid'margh to enter the Klingon way - through brute force. While inspecting the console a mysterious note appeared before its power went out: "Meet me in stellar cartography". Lt. Nileber assured us that there was no way to get more information from our current position. So while it sounded like a trap we nonetheless decided to investigate. Once we made our way into the corridor, we came across the bodies of some dead Starfleet officers. Before Dr. Polaski had time to inspect the bodies, a disruptor blast nearly hit us - four Romulans appeared and battle ensued. Thanks to Cmdr. Nal we were able to make quick work of them, setting phasers to stun - though it felt like an eternity. The doctor was a bit reckless as usual, rushing up to the Romulans and sedating them. We were able to limit injuries on our side to a minimum thankfully.

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  1. First Officer's Log: Stardate 47515.4
    Stardate 47515.4