The night we were called to action by Ren | World Anvil
Thu 10th Feb 2022 04:17

The night we were called to action

by Ren Mano

Midterms have always been a struggle, but with my team relying on me, success is always in the game plan.
I was sleeping when I heard a loud crack. Rushed to the common area to see countless students running back and forth. The Sky Sovereign attacked and his knights were still fighting our professors up above in the Spire. It seemed like a relief mission was going on with a dragon born, a tiefling, and the fairy taking charge. She seems to really enjoy going to the kitchen. Valid.
I sat down near one of the counters and cast Calm Emotions to try and reach as many people as possible. Eva was busy sewing bags and Marcel helped with communications between the various chapter houses. My task was map making for the relief teams. I’ve been assigned to team 5, but we’ve got 7 teams in total. Good ol’ Dart and Linnea have even been lending their resources and help so that we could get the mission going as soon as possible. As the night turned to morning, it was amazing watching everyone coalesce into a team. I tried to get some rest before the mission so I didn’t start at a disadvantage.
There was a brief window when the weather settled, so we left the Sphere and headed out to the refugee camp. I was teamed up with Megale and Ardath. Both women were incredibly competent and powerful. Year 5 students really are exceptional. I didn’t anticipate encountering too much opposition, but brought some armor, just in case. Unfortunately, it was needed. We ran into two knights of Terranimbus and a couple lightning attacks.
Before leaving the Sphere, I set up a telepathic connection with Ohva, the tiefling. She was leading the operation from Tarslemoor with Balvarax, the dragon born, on the ground with the relief teams. I had heard the fairy was an artillerist, so I asked Ohva to send her healing cannon in case we needed extra support. After we encountered the first knight, we activated it. Fortunately, some Vutazon supporters provided assistance. There were multiple refugees who were displaced by the weather and we assigned a couple of the supporters as refugee protection until we could secure the area. Any helpful information was relayed to Ohva regarding the camp and the knights before we headed back to the Sphere.
I kept sending out messages to Marcel, Dart, Eva, and Balvarax in the event one might need help. No response. I’m sure everything went well with their missions. On my way back, I saw one of the Dueling Tournament participants trying to help some refugees. Apparently there were two groups fighting and so I cast Calm Emotions to ease the crowd and eventually they all dispersed.
The yelling brought the attention of another knight. I immediately asked Hilde to activate the cannon and give the team some extra health. None of us are natural healers, so this was our only option if needed. To my surprise, the Vutazon loyalists I saw earlier had followed me and helped shield us from the knight. The student group consisted of Terberisa, the dueling tournament participant, Watch a Firbolg who was under disguise prior to our fight, and Zenna a resourceful gnome. Our group did great avoiding the knight’s armor, but when victory was in sight, Terberisa rushed forward to try and finish off the knight. Unfortunately, that put her in range for the knight to attack and out of range of the fairy’s cannon, but strangely, countless gems protected her upon the strike, and she was unharmed. I rushed forward to help, but my Dissonant whispers spell didn’t land, I was too hasty. During the knights next attack, Terberisa barely made it, thanks to the temporary health from the cannon. The knight thought he could take her, but with one more Dissonant Whispers spell, he was finished. I kept Terberisa nearby as we quickly made our way back to the Sphere. We thanked the loyalists for their help, gave them the grounding rods to set up in the camp, and Watch carried the knights armor and sword back.
I wasn’t planning to fight, but I’m glad I could protect my fellow students. Praise be to Li-Ban.

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