Welcome to Kratas, Roobs by | World Anvil

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Welcome to Kratas, Roobs


They really should give people better warnings when they come into the city. Take an entertainment trio that came through the gates. Clearly their first times in a rough city, the Windling, Elf, and Orc stood out. They thought they wanted that, but they wanted to be seen as exciting performers...not easy prey.
Slavers from Boocher's Brood were the first to take advantage of these easy marks. They easily captured the trio and locked them away in a house until they could get them sold off and shipped out. The Orc went first, leaving only a pair in the city. I gathered up a few likeminded people to kick in the door and let them free.
An Ork, he didn't take much convincing, just a time and place, although he was disappointed that his horse couldn't join the fun. A human beastmaster was enlisted since they have guard dogs as part of their defenses. A spellcaster guy was brought in, on the off chance that they'd built up some magical defenses.
We went to the house in the predawn hours when the city is almost kind of quiet. We snuck into the house and dispatched a pair of guards, releasing the Elf from a cage. No immediate sign of the Windling was in that room, and the Elf was acting really, really weird. Maybe there was a head injury, or maybe she is just not very bright, but she couldn't tell us apart from the slavers holding her hostage. Even after we found all of her gear and weapons in a chest nearby and gave them to her.
Another door led further into the interior of the building, with the expected dogs barking behind it. I was settling in to unlock it quietly, when the Orc started swinging his battle axe over my head and into the metal. Not subtle, not quick, and when it did open, the two guard and two guard dogs were waiting for us. There was a half a second of hesitation when one of the guards threatened to kill the captive Windling, in a cage chained to the ceiling, but the group didn't hesitate.
The dogs went after the biggest smelliest thing in the doorway: the Orc. The Beastmaster cleared a path and clawed one of the guards in the chest, knocking him down to the ground. I agilely moved past the dogfight in the doorway and ensured that the first guard would never take any more slaves...or for that matter, stand up.
The second guard swung his broadsword at me far more slowly than even my sparring partners, so it was easy to avoid. There was a bit of fighting back and forth, with most of the rest of the group trying to fight off the guard dogs, hurting them a little, and with the Orc getting hurt a little, too. The last guard had a couple scratches when I lined myself up behind him. Thinking how proud Lochost would be at freeing some slaves and killing some slavers, I found myself bolstered by an unknown power. My sword found a target on his rapidly moving neck and pierced his gorget and spine as easy as a chicken on a skewer, and the last name he heard in this word was Lochost's.
The Windling did a voice trick to call off the dogs, and we had the Beastmaster try to bond with them while we looted the place for clues and resources. The Windling's gear was there, as was a token of the Sons of Servos from Daiche, and some cash.
We left the area, escoring the prisoners back to their hotel...naturally at the most dangerous inn they could find. They mentioned the 3rd slave and wanted to rescue her. Since the rest of us were already headed to do just that, we said they could help. So, off we went to Daiche to find them.
By the time we got there, their riverboat wasn't anywhere at the dock. Stopping in at an Orcish bar, because we know they wouldn't harbor slavers, we all had the fun of drinking Blarg, which made much of the rest of the group ill and drunk on top of it, save for myself and our Orc. Worth it, though, as we found out that the Servos goons had been in town and left shortly before our arrival.
We headed to the docks, some staggering, and I negotiated passage for us on the Red Lantern riverboat. They even threw in a barrel of semiluxury fish for our trip. Without delay, we set off to try to catch up to the slavers and rescue their last prisoner.