The prince and a bunch of weirdos walk to an auction house by Eldove | World Anvil

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The Second Friga of Sunna

The prince and a bunch of weirdos walk to an auction house

by Eldove Relynn

Would be a perfect set up for a punchline, alas this is not a joke.
A lot has happened since I last wrote. First off, we went to a bar to have some drinks after the whole escort mission was over, to have a good time and grab a few drinks.
It was all smooth sailing until this man full of smile and good intentions sit's down with us and offers us tickets to the auction held later that night where one of Kon's artifacts MIGHT reside,
a bit too convinient for my taste.
Well, we agreed to accompany him to the auction house, and with him we were able to skip the line, and they didn't even disarm us there (bit careless in my opinion)
Then this smiley face turn's around and tells us his name, Vincent I shit you not Durante. The merchant prince himself graced us with his presence and wanted to hire us
to protect his father from an assassination.
Some boring stuff happened, I disguised myself as a noble and glided across the floor to chat with other nobles and collect some gossip (nobles can be so boring and pretentious)
I did learn some stuff about an actor troupe called Sad Clowns, who are going to perform on merchant king's birthday.
And then things went sideways. Kon, Kaerwyd and Darwin had spotted the artifact that Kon was after, and they decided to steal it. But it did not go as planned and things took a bad turn.
Anyhow, I turned invisible and was able to retrieve the artifact from Kon along with some cape which was valuable as heck.
I managed to bolt outside unseen, and oh boy was I in a treat after that scene
Hallbertha freaking Fjellwind scolded some guards and managed to convince them not to imprison Kon (oh yeah, he was arrested)
That is a bit I heard from them, for I had already left from their company. I was heading towards the district of the red lanterns, because there was a abandoned brothel to which prince Durante
referred as his "summer apartment" or something like that.
Rest of the folk soon caught up, and we spent that evening pretty much chit chatting etc.
Today had some interesting moments as well, because me and Kaerwyd scored the lead roles on that play that is going to be presented at the king's birthday, mostly we are going to keep our eye's open
for anything suspicious, but I might as well enjoy this. Even though it is one of the worst plays I have ever seen or heard.
The costumier was a bit too handsy in my opinion, so I gave him something to remember me by.
I also taught Darwin how to write, I hope he keep's practicing

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  1. Boat trip to Fourways
    The second werga of Sunna 3148
  2. The prince and a bunch of weirdos walk to an auction house
    The Second Friga of Sunna
  3. The show I nearly died for.
  4. A witch, a pawn and a whore apparently.
    Third Friga of Sunna