Recollected Notes by Ilhuikámina | World Anvil

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Wed 5th Jul 2023 12:55

Recollected Notes

by Ilhuikámina Shandiin Yaocalli Tecuani Tepiltzin

Illy, gave first crush a bad tattoo!
19, 21 year old sister.
raised with mom until 10, then sent off to school upon reaching age of majority/maturity, becoming service and then going.
feeling very out of place, going from sunner elite to patrolling an airship (oh god what am i doing here)
not supposed to have knives on the ship? metal chandelier lol
Zuni not a small talker
home city is Shandiin, big cetnral sunner city.
weird retro candlelight on great endeavor.
Pet learned to read in vignette he shared
lots of salsa galas, generally used to city living, eating street food or fancy dinners, never cooking.
"Baby Br" has spent many seasons as a bananabat
Niyol is thaumaturge
my parents, mom is a thaumaturge

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