Unfortunate Circumstances by Ezra | World Anvil

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Sun 28th Jan 2024 05:51

Unfortunate Circumstances

by Ezra Kurescotte

It got even worse. You know how I said I was trying to lay low? Well apparently some magical knight chose me an my tournament team to save them from some magical prison? I'm not actually certain, I kinda lost details while grappling with the whole mystical vision thrust upon me by an unknown source thing.
Anyways, I'm still worried that *she* my find me. But I've stayed out of trouble. I haven't even had to use it in ages, so hopefully she'll lose my trail, if she's even on it. I think I'm leaving Jigow tomorrow, so it might be a while till you hear from me again. The gold in this delivery should help you stay afloat for a while. It seems like this whole adventuring thing is pretty lucrative so expect these deliveries to get bigger with time.

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  1. Some festival...
  2. Unfortunate Circumstances
  3. The Journal Entry’s title