A Summary of Recent Events by Morfiginn | World Anvil

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Mon 26th Jun 2023 03:49

A Summary of Recent Events

by Morfiginn Silverbraid

My recent adventuring has been deadly. So i think its best to summarize recent events, in case i die.
This all started when i ran into Skai Hammermallet while drowning my sorrows at a tavern. She introduced me to her friends, and let me tag along while they were exploring the cave layers. I hoped id be able to earn some gold to repay my uncle, maybe something we do would help me find a stable career.
The first thing the group did was unleash an evil fire spirit from a Swartelf fortress that began destroying the forest in Annoti and murdering elves. in an effort to get rid of the spirit we began working with a wizard named Salazar and his guildmember, Catherine.
While we waited for answers, we all had dream-visions from the ancestors about a ancient weapon called the Az Aldrhun in the cave layers, when we found it, it was in the hands of Orcs. with the help of a few other dwarves we retrieved the axe, and agreed to duel for it back in Kazad Kol.

After returning to Kazad Kol, losing multiple limbs and almost dying along the way, Catherine showed us how to summon a demon named Olethros. Some of the group made minor deals with her. She even saved our skins from becoming Swartelf slaves, in exchange for ingredients for her demonic business. Eventually, i also made a deal with her to save the life of a cousin who had gone missing in exchange for 2 months of servitude.
When we got back to Kazad Kol, we defended the hold against an attack by elves. the Az Aldrun Summoned our ancestors to assist in the defense. Skai's brother Dagon was kidnapped by the Dum Doki, who she had previously made enemies of by trying top expose a smuggling ring within thier ranks. the dum doki were then raided by orcs who took many dwarves prisoner, including Dagon. We discovered that the Orcs were being used by demons to build portals to invade Aurasong. Skai made a deal with olethros to give dagon an opportunity to escape. We used this opportunity to rescue Dagon. Skai and Rue took him to safety, while Grilag and I destroyed the arch the Orcs were building.
When we returned home, Olethros came to start the first day of our contract. the rest of the group decided to tag along and she took us to an elven ruin in the middle of a forest. we were attacked by a crazy wizard that turned a few of us into rabbits before we managed to fight him off. once safe and dwarven again, we found what Olethros was looking for, a powerful amulet. grilag and skai decided to take it and try to trick Olethros into saying there was nothing there. The trick didnt work, but the amulets power was enough to keep her from attacking them.
Olethros abandoned us in the woods for keeping the amulet, so we went to see where the wizard went. we found his cabin and it turned out hes super crazy but will leave you alone if you have manners. He didnt know his own name, so we dubbed him Bunny due to his fondness of the animal.
Bunny showed us something called a soul circle that when given a sacrifice the size of a bunny, takes you to any connected soul circle. we tried it a few times, first taking us near another orc encampment, then to a mountain in humbria.
When Olethros returned for us, she took us to an elf named Guinglanid, fulfilling her contract with Grilag. Guinglanid is an Elder High Elf who had been exiled due to his age, which elves viewed as weakness. He told us the amulet is called the Tear of Adenoss, an ancient artifact of the elven deity and would be destroyed if used. he wanted us to give it to him in exchange for help defeating the fire spirit.
Guinglanid sent us to find his buried books. on the way, we encountered elves who took us to a dryad so she could read our intentions. A demon named Demulous, Olethros's superior, appeared and did something to the elves and nymph. He tried to bargain for the amulet. we were told about a third demon named Aletto. Then a "vessel of inoss" named Athena tried to take the amulet. Skai said she would hand it over if Athena killed Demulous and Athena said she was not strong enough yet.
After returning with the books, Guinglanid asked us to find his niece Tathriel and get a magical object from her. before we even got started, we were attacked by Catherine who also wanted the amulet. A temporary wizard companion royally fucked up a spell during the battle and opened a rift to the demon realm. We were saved by Athena, but she was drained of power in the process so we harbored her while she rested. i used the opportunity to try and broker an alliance between Athena and Olethros, but didnt make much headway. Rue put on a ring meant for catherine and could not take it off, it almost killed her, but Salazar saved her.
The damage the fire spirit had done weakened the elves of anotti. The elven king Aderthion, who Skai had met before, surrendered to our king and was taken as prisoner. We asked the king to lend him to us to assist with our research.

We went back to the elven forest to get the item Guinglanid needed. We met Tathriel's son, and took him and the object we were looking for back to Guinglanid. Before using the spell on the fire spirit we needed to test it, so Olethros lured a enemy demon to us and we destroyed him with the spell. Guinglanid let us keep the amulet and went to defeat the fire spirit.
Demulous destroyed Skai's clan home, and tried to use Dagon as a bargaining chip to get the amulet. Olethros had taken Dagon to safety before Demulous could get to him, and returned him to Skai safely.
Olethros took us on another mission to retrieve and object of power from a group of paladins of Inoss. We managed to save them and stop Olethros from getting the object of power, pissing her off in the process. Not getting the object of power risked her position with the demons. she told us of an object of power in the white mountains of Calaia, coincidentally the same place where a lost dwarven kingdom is rumored to be.
We told Salazar and the wizard castle about Catherine's actions and we helped them capture her. I accidentally released some sort of skeleton creature and pissed off Aletto, who she had made a deal with, in the process. Rue and I got trapped in the tower with Aletto. Olethros saved us from her, but this raised suspicion of her loyalties. Later, she took us to the mountains and gave us a tablet that summons the soul of a human named Daron who wishes to kill Demulous. Rue has custody of the tablet.
Aletto and Demulous sent a demon to take Olethros back to the underworld as prisoner and torture her. With no way to save Olethros, we went to visit Guinglanid in the elven capital and retrieve some items for Aderthion. He told us he wants to build pillars of protection in order to ward demons away from dwarven territory.
We then went back to Calaia to try to find the Eye of Inoss that Olethros hid. Instead we found orcs doing something to a sleeping dragon under demulous's command, and the lost Kazad Bryn. with clues on how to find Kazad Gnol.
We returned to Kazad Kol to find that a group called "Olethros's Arms" had tried to break into my home and steal some of Olethros's belongings. I let a few of them out hoping they could help release Olethros. The group and I began trying to convince our kin to to work with each other and other races to fight against the demons., then used some of the items Olethros left behind to find Aletto's weakness. We returned to Calaia armed with information to try to find Aletto.
That brings us to now. We just returned home from the mountains of Calaia with hope that Olethros will be set free. Yet the demon war still looms ahead of us.

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  1. A Summary of Recent Events