Will he or Will he not by Barnaby | World Anvil

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Mon 19th Jul 2021 09:48

Will he or Will he not

by Barnaby Chapman

session 9
Come back to Jericho's apt where Will, Maude, and Lelanie were recovering and catching up.
Jericho grabs us all a bite and a drink - give Will a heads up to what we're working on.
Jericho gives more detail - we were given a warning, and a direction from spirits. Broke him out..and made deals with devils to clean and cover up both the change and the prior crimes.
Take to junkyard - Teach how to go through the Guantlet and he does it first try!
Visit totem - need to pick a personal knick knack that the totem holds for us - Will thinks it might be back at the prison
Fill up some essence - 4 for Barnaby, 2 left
Head home, shower sleep
Next morning - meet up - Will cleans up finances - makes contract for us to finalize our prison clean up effort and actually get paid for it
Go back to prison w/ Jericho - so we can clean up / do repairs - We do great and quick work - and actually get paid
Go visit Will's mom's house to pick up a sentimental trinket - seems to be a family photo
Back to U-Stor-It, drops it off with Lot
Will becomes part of the pack, and then starts the process of joining tribe. Runes get carved in to him - he takes it like a champ
I regail the pack with the tale of the Werewolf of Wall Street
Listen all!
This here new brother, is like the reincarnation of the mighty Scottish King, and Werewolf - Macbeth - the man who counted a White Howler hoard amongst his treasures, before they twisted themselves in to the Black Spiral Dancers of the Wyrm!
He can control vast units of riches and power - never for his own personal gain, or to exert his will on the innocent - but like a dragon, to be protected, admired, and used as tools when the need arises!
And do not fear he will fall complacent counting the gains of the Garou, for he is a veteran of both mortal conflict, and has chosen the Hunters in Darkness to guide his path of renown, eliminating the horrible union of spirit and flesh...the shartha...the Hosts!
To the Werewolf of Wall Street - may your gains, be our gains!
There once was a Werewolf on Wall Street
Who decided sowing madness would be a treat
"What can we do?!", they came running without knowing
"An idea!", he said with a grin full of sharp teeth growing
While shifting to Urshul, "I could eat"
We get a call from Jude that the DA will give Will a deal if he gives someone else up. He needs to be back in Jail by 8am
We're trying to beat him up so he can say he was attacked by the wolves - I judo chop once, and Jericho shifts to wolf and noms on him
Will hard rages but misses jEricho before he gets calmed down and we toss him like a midget - he gets led back in to the prison by the guard.
Rufus pops up and texts Jericho and we go to meet at Oasis
Catch him up on what we did this past day - and ask him about his. He's being dodgy and says he'll let us know later
Will has meeting with DA that goes well
gets out of jail, asks for a pickup. Rufus notices his scar...we gloss over it ;)
goes to tribe induction w/ Rufus
next week will be da moot

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  1. Will he or Will he not