Session 2 - The Fey by Frald | World Anvil

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Session 2 - The Fey

by Frald Henderstone

So the events began when we decided to check out the goblin camp, low and behold there were these things and seemed to change shape before my very eyes, they also seemed to take blows from normal weapons as if they were made of feathers. We managed to dispatch them, mostly due to me holding them down with my immense strength almost single-handedly. We then went back to the village to collect some better weaponry to fight these weird creatures. There we created some top quality ale and had a good time. After returning to the forest the world got a bit fucked up, the sky was all weird and not where it was supposed to be, some of the others couldn't hold their breakfast but i was okay. Dwarves are made of stronger stuff after all. More of the weird beasts were following a helpless lassey, we eventually killed them but a few of my party were on deaths door after the fight and needed to be helped up. Thank Diancecht for giving me the ability to save them from a horrible death. I can feel my power growing with every day, i must be gaining more of the favour of Diancecht.
I took a life today, it may have been only a fey-wild beast but still it haunts me. I must be more careful next time, i cannot go back to that way. I shall pray for forgiveness next morning and perhaps i shall sleep better tomorrow night.
The Ice Druid Hildar does not like Diancecht, maybe i should find out why. No need to start a fight over it though, God knows i lost enough over pointless religious battles.

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  1. Session 1 - Employment
  2. Session 2 - The Fey
  3. Session 3: The quest for The Weapon
  4. Session 4: The Crazy Man With Weird Eyes