Journal Entry 1 by Helaena | World Anvil

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Sun 24th Jul 2022 04:30

Journal Entry 1

by Helaena DuFarran

I have, on occasion, glimpsed the others writing in a personal journal and have decided to do the same. It has been a long…long time since I’ve kept such a possession. But I believe it is a good practice, and mayhaps it will help me “polish the rust” from my memories, as I explained it to Amarille not long ago.
She is intriguing to me, the elf named Amarille. She is a monk that came to us to aid in combating that evil called Ebondeath. She is reserved and yet can say so much with so few words, or no words at all. I was not surprised to learn she is a follower of Selune; she has a look about her that speaks to me of mysteries, much as the night conceals secrets. Plus her robe is embroidered with phases of the moon, so.
I told her that she reminds me of someone I once knew. A sister figure. Aubryn. A blood sister? A cousin? She had dark hair as Amarille does, and a more serious disposition. I have some vague recollection of getting into trouble together, some childish adventures the grownups did not approve of.
But she is dead, is Aubryn, as are they all.
It is good to remember them, as I can, but not to dwell. My family now is Eethyl and Flicker and Keth and Wolfaen, as well as Amarille (whether she like it or not).
I took to Eethyl quickly despite myself. I find him easy company and interesting conversation. He is at once absent-minded and also very thoughtful. And his curiosity is insatiable. I must admit I find it endearing. He is endlessly surprising though I fear I can hardly keep up with him half the time. Fortunately he does not often require much to maintain a discussion - usually just another set of ears. And even then…well. When you have lived as much as he has, I imagine you become accustomed to creating your own entertainment.
I’m not sure that Flicker is similarly charmed by the gnome. The first moment we met she moved to the defensive and summoned flame to the ready, as I took them off-guard (a mutual feeling at the time). Upon reflection, I think this is the most appropriate way to describe the druidess. She is as a flame, and passion is her fuel. She is compelling in the way that fire may mesmerize and enchant the onlooker.
I also feel she shares some qualities with Amarille, namely in the way they are both protective of themselves. If I may speak in generalities (who is here to deny me), I would say Amarille is guarded and Flicker is mistrusting. Of course, we all share elements of these within ourselves to some degree, but it is a distinction between them. And I’m not sure I am in the mind to properly express it beyond this at present. Perhaps Keth would understand what I mean.
Keth. I have spent the least amount of direct time with him, aside from our elusive Wolfaen. And yet I appreciate him greatly. To say true, I was initially uncertain of his character, and this based only on the fact of his blood. I am not proud of my reactionary prejudice, and it is an instance that I am so glad to have been so wrong. I am of the opinion that our half-orc companion is much deeper than he presents. And I believe the others sense it too, for we have pushed the lad into the position of de facto leader, and for all his inelegance and insecurity, he bears the mantle admirably. We would be less without him.
This is my family now, and I shall not forget.