Kidnapped! by Arameth | World Anvil


by Arameth Dhaka'mushriq

I woke from a dream to find myself with a crick in my neck from sleeping on a cold stone floor. Last I remembered, I'd spent the day working at mum's shop. The dragonborn clan that had settled right outside Almawazin had been keeping us busy. They'd been sending us exotic pelt and leathers to work with: dire bears and giant crocodiles are not the kind of beasts the local hunters wanted to tangle with but the dragonborns seemed to have no issue taking down those type of monsters. The amount they bring mum was getting to be too much though: mum might even had to sell the overflow to other leatherworkers.
Even if my idiot brother Cylio did most of the wrangling the pelts and leathers for mum, I was the one tending to the customers when mum was too busy with a special piece. Torlak's dad came through to buy a new set of leather armour. He let me practice my negotiation skills on him. He always paid the right amount but it was good practice. Although it was midsummer, people were already getting ready for the cold season. It kept the shop busy though I'd still prefer to spend my time tending the garden or learning new alchemy recipes. It did make for a long day at work though, which in turned make for a good night sleep.
But now, I was in a dark stone room instead of my wooden-walled bedroom. I listened to the low howl of the air flowing from somewhere unknown as my darkvision adjusted to the lack of light source. I scrambled to my feet and winced as my arm ached. Looking around, I could see three other shape in the dark: three other people down here with me. Cautiously, I nudged one of them awake.
"Mmm... Five more minutes..."
"I don't think we have five more minutes."
It turned out that this was a human looking boy. I suspect he's from Almawazin as well: he's wearing around his neck one of mum's fancier, ruby-incrusted jewellery pieces. Obviously the son of one of her wealthier clients. His name is Ansurius. We discovered we'd all been given weird tattoos. I also noticed a green foam around the corner of everyone's mouth. I might not be a fully trained alchemist yet, but I knew we've been slipped something to keep us asleep. We went about waking up the other two who turned out to be a dark-looking dragonborn named Tsuki and an elven girl who'se name I didn't catch. Ansurius and the elven girl managed to find the door to get out of the room we were trapped in: it was hidden by some sort of illusion that made it look like the wall. We started to walk through a long corridor and soon we started to hear voices. None of us could understand the language but it turned out that it was goblins.
I'd never used my magic to fight before. But since no one had weapons, I threw a bolt of fire at the furthest goblin while Ansurius and the elven girl rushed the other one. The elven girl might be just as young as me but she definitely knew how to use the shortsword she took off the goblin: she stuck it through the underneath of the goblin's jaw and right up through his skull. Since we had no idea where we were, we decided to take what weapons, food and gold the goblins had on them. I ended up with a dagger.
We started to explore, trying to hide our tracks as we went. We stumbled on a hidden crypt and Ansurius recognised the symbol of the god Savras on the door. There was a warning around the door, written in Draconic, saying that the warriors inside had died in Savras's service and to leave them to rest in peace. Ansurius was very interested in going inside but the others and I said no. Instead, I asked him if he might know what our tattoos were and he said it was the symbol of a nasty goblin clan called the Iron Fang. But the Iron Fang lived no where around our homeland of Pashara.
We continued to explore and stumbled across another group of goblins with two kobolds. We decided to try to ambush them but while Ansurius and I were trying to come up with a plan, Tsuki just came right out and literally melted two of them with her acid breath before she took bites out of the rest of them. I messed up in that fight, hitting Tsuki when I was aiming for one of the goblins. But luckily, Ansurius was able to heal the dragonborn. After that, we found a room that had something like a large cauldron inside. But instead of water, it was collecting blood that was dripping from the ceiling. With a bit of investigation, we found out that the blood was 'dead' for lack of a better word. And the elven girl could hear chanting coming from above, like a ritual was happening above our heads.
Since there was no other way out, we went back and continued to explore. We ended up finding a spiral staircase going up to the follow above. We decided to take a quick rest once we found that the stairs led to a room with two doors on either sides.

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  1. Kidnapped!