The first adventure at the Frozen Heart by Aeron | World Anvil

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Mon 28th Feb 2022 09:19

The first adventure at the Frozen Heart

by Aeron Cascade

Frozen Heart. Military special forces. I am part of this. Branch of the Capital's army. Our clan Clan Dresmond.
We arrived last night at our outpost. Without any names.
We meet a guy names Marcus, lacky of the quarters captain.
Marcus told us we had some jobs to do. Breakfast, get weaponry at the blacksmit then go to the captains.
Zigudesmus (Leander). Very old Tortle. Talks with Frank the mushroom. Which is on his shoulder.
Lambda (Michiel) Halfling. Blond hair none cared hair.
Cypher (ciara). Changeling. Green eye left, yellow eye right. Doesnt matter what form, ull always recognise it by her.
Guard dresscode: Blue
Enemies who we have to attack(/queste): LF Kenku, apparantly hard to find. Leads: Inside man in the force, possible. No clue who.
Investigation spot. 2 miles north of the outpost at the start of a clearance in the forest.
Sollem: Rations dude seller.
Taz the shopkeeper (guy who sold us a goblin corpse)

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