05 - The Dark Hour by Leoric | World Anvil

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3854 Libra 30

05 - The Dark Hour

by Leoric

What do you mean we gotta talk with Gratus command?
The Doc's words were sharp and I didn't appreciate them at all, him insisting it's the only way forward left me with little choice. The communication was shot and the nearest relay would be back at Hardenvale .
It was a difficult pill to swallow, It wasn't too long ago I on the run from the Gratus in Lao. Losing people I cared about while hightailing it outta there. Only to be saved by her, the tiefling. Who is currently in bat shit no where in need of our help. They didn't need to help me at all, I could have been left to the whim of the Gratus. But instead she chose to save my ass, I gotta repay that favour.
Swallowing my pride was easier after tanking on the decision, I noticed the Half-Orc appeared sad also losing his companion to the depths, he was quick to side with the Doc' and soon after we all agreed to head back to Hardenvale and get in contact with the Gratus at the relay.
Walking back towards the facility entrance it dawned on me that the fire would have been completely out of control, I don't want to see what's on the other side of that door, turning to the others I suggested an alternative exit. One which left.. very little desire to even leave.
We came upon the sewage pipes from the middle section of the facility, the Doc watching from behind as we each stand in front of the pipes. I can only imagine our sorry asses from the other side. Looking to each other before the Doc's form whittled down into a horrible arachnoid, skuttled away.
Covering my mouth I enter the pipe while the others get knee deep. The fumes from the drainage was starting to burn my chest, I gasped at the air only to make it worse. My good eye tearing up as I enroached upon the light at the end of the tunnel.
I fumbled my way out, falling to the floor using my hands to keep balance as I struggled to catch my breath, I looked up from the ground to see the smoke from the forest dressing the sky, leaving a burning hue where the sun crept through. I watched the others come through their pipes completely unscathed. Wiping the saliva from my mouth realising I might have knocked off one or two years from my life. I pull myself out and stand, the Doc having us already beat as He watched the remains of the forest. "Let's move" he said impatiently.
It wasn't long before we arrived at Hardenvale, the night drew in quickly from our walk and dim street lights struggled to keep most of the plaza lit, Looking at each other appearing as if we're a buncha vagabonds.
We watched as an average height dark woman walked out from the swindler's store, stepping under the light it was none other than Sakiran carrying an armoured outfit, while wearing weathered clothing. It took a moment for me to realise what I was seeing while the others were all to aware of what they were seeing.
Before I could even ask a bowl hovered its way towards us, upon closer inspection it was a steaming hot bowl of noodles, darkened almost black. I couldn't believe my eye as my emotion failed me and the shock washed over me. The hell is a bowl of noodles doing floating in thin air? Fen believing it to be a threat immidietly tried to attack it. Failing as the bowl lifted up high as his strike whiffed completely. All of us unison looked up and followed it closely. A high pitch voice began shouting at us "Hey knock it off, this is mine!" Is this due to the effect from the acidic fumes? I cupped my head before hearing a crash as the bowl lay shattered against the wall, the noodles falling through the crushed ceramic and the juice seeping into the earth below. It was heartbreaking to see a waste of noodles like that. Fen began arguing with the air before it was revealed to had been Leon, the half-orc appeared happy to hear his companion although I imagine he'd be happier seeing him as well.
We started walking toward The Dead Oaks while the Half-Orc dragged the Doc after he wasn't too compliant, walking and laughing after we exchanged stories until Leon mentioned what had happened before they got to Hardenvale, and how Sakiran had bit him. Before appearing to have gotten stronger to him. After everything that's happened I can't imagine what might have been going through our minds.
I remember when Sakiran sucked her thumb after treating my wound, it's weird but it's farfetched if anything.
Speaking of the devil... . . . heh. Sakiran approached us wearing the outfit she was previously carrying. I recognised it immidtely to be a Gratus uniform. I couldn't believe it, she really decided to wear that in front of me? I told her she looked stupid although she didn't seem to catch on as to why before hitting back insulting my eye. Infuriated I was quickly cut off as the others pointed out a shuttle with a large man stood out in front speaking to another individual. He looked like serious business, this must have been the area the Doc spoke about. However it doesn't concern us now that we met up with the other two. Although I was still bothered by Sakiran's earlier ignorance. Leon objected instead to eavesdropping on their conversation, while still cloaked. There was no indication other than the man glancing in the same direction each time. No one else was there, could he see Leon?
I couldn't make out anything from afar, but I watched as he moved his lips while pointing into the air before he grabbed pulling Leon out of his invisibility,Sakiran called out to Leon as we all quickly ran over to defuse the situation. Everyone was tense, the whole situation could escalate. We're surrounded with Gratus goons pointing their weapons at us.
Leon is panicking while the paladin's grip doesn't falter. We're in deep shit'.
It was hard to speak, it ain't often I feel intimidated from another man at a glance. I stopped choking on my words before taking a deep breath. I tried to explain the situation, talk him out as the lives of our friends and ultimately us were in danger. He stood his ground, sticking to the usual Gratus demeanor. He spoke of a box, something I wasn't familiar with but Fen called out claiming he has the box they were looking for. He dropped Leon and moved towards Fen, grabbing him by the cuff. Leon catching his breath next to me looked at me, before moving towards the Paladin. He was swiftly launched away by the Paladin as he punched with such speed and accuracy, carrying Fen in his other hand without so much as a sweat. It was after that when Fen successfully managed to escalate the situation, seeing as there was little hope.
He took it upon him to threaten the Paladin and the surrounding soldiers, including us with a string of grenades. To which the surrounding soldiers opened fire into Fen, while the Paladin dropped him. He fell to the ground, blood wetting his clothes and forming a small pool around him.
I screamed for a parlay, the situation was completely blown out of proportion and thankfully the Paladin saw reason to not have us killed on the spot.
"You're all coming with me, into the shuttle."
I quickly mentioned our dying comrade to which he provided a stim into his neck. Reviving him on the spot and cauterising his gunshot wounds.
We were escorted inside while I caught the Doc' shift away into the night.
We were chucked inside a containment, each of us seating ourselves in opposite ends. It only minutes before the Paladin returned, taking us one by one for questioning.
We made small talk, going quiet whenever he would return. My ticket came and he escorted me to a small room where I took a seat. He stood over me, overbearing. I was used to enforcer questions as the usual station but this was much different. I never tackled against the higher ups like this.
I gave him the information freely, I didn't lie. I spoke about employer and why we were here. It was just business and a new start. No funny business. I didn't mention where I came from or why, he never asked and I don't know how I'd spin a story, Sakiran doesn't seem like the type to just fess me up straight away but if the story doesn't add up it could put me into a deeper hole than now.
He was more interested in the box, I still had no idea what was of importance inside, I was clear that it had not been our intentions, and he refused to buy my honesty about the mission. Things were going south with no way bound for hope.
The Paladin looked at me, his attention unwavering and cocks a smile. "Not that it matters, you'd all end up in the execution block anyway regardless."
Typical Gratus behaviour, all the same... ""
His expression changed from the smile to an inquisitive stare nodding.
I lost and slipped up a thought outloud, it wasn't a foreign fact as he appeared more relieved than anything. Nothing new to him I guess'.
Comments about traitorous talk, doesn't matter to me, I ain't Gratus. Is he toying with me?
Nothing of value comes out of the interrogation in my eye, but nevertheless he escorts me out. "I have all I need"
The containment opening, seeing everyone's glum expression before he called on Sakiran, not too pleased by the deragatory term.
Each one is sent and returns other than Leon, who could be heard screaming throughout the shuttle, an open vent on the wall making it easy to make out. Curdling his voice, I don't understand why. What did he say?
Eventually Leon is escorted inside, sporting a collar around his neck. The Paladin tinkers with it lastly before pushing him inside.
I can't imagine what that device is, but I want to take a look at it and try and figure it out.
A man stepped out from the door way introducing himself as a royal who is third in line to the throne, why the hell' is he here?.
And it was there I got my answer, and an official start over. Not that we could get away with breaking any laws but we got a head start as he announced we were officially in Gratus territory "Dead"
Why now, why couldn't he appear and say such things back at the bar shootout in Lao, better than being...
We were lapdogs, employed to sniff out information for this man. There's no other choice, this or death.
After being released, it felt good to feel the cold air, the night sky screamed freedom but in the back of my mind I had just become a slave to them.
We all head to the market district where we try to relax, I noticed a stall where Leon was sat, commanded by a stoutly Dwarven woman who convinced me to purchase at least 20 bowls, to which I shared with Leon, the collar looking very conspicuous and completely unaware of the pain it caused moments earlier as he chow downed on the noodles.
Who the hell are these people, he left and returned with a chicken. I could barely make out what he was babbling about before he mentioned the eggs. I thought it was common knowledge that a cooked egg goes nicely with noodles but I guess' not. Not where he came from at least, Sakiran must have already head in for the night, eventually we all stepped up and called it a night finally.
One long, arduous night.

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  1. Prelude - That Fateful Night / Meeting Sakiran
    3854 Libra 25
  2. Prelude - Journey to Hardenvale
    3854 Libra 26
  3. 01 - A New Beginning
    3854 Libra 27
  4. 02 - The Corpse Bride
    3854 Libra 28
  5. 03 / 04 - Twisted Fate
    3854 Libra 29
  6. 05 - The Dark Hour
    3854 Libra 30
  7. Guilty Conscious
    3854 Scorpio 1
  8. 06 - The Path Ahead
    3854 Scorpio 4