A Party in Harlem by MeiQi美琪 | World Anvil
Tue 27th Feb 2024 12:14

A Party in Harlem

by MeiQi美琪 Wang 汪

I meet up with some people who do some interesting investigations. I am hoping to find my target while working with them. We go to a rent party. There is going to be a prominent singer there. Someone named James put us in touch with this event. There is a Celestina and Ralph who live at 101st in Macomb Place who have joint apts in 101 and 201. The password is deuce. The party is strange, and my companions are the only white people in the area. I am out of place. These people are strange and they ask weird questions. They make small talk. Something about fighting and being called Harlem HellFighters. The guys are all socializing but I'm not quite sure what is happening. There is some good music and Bessie Smith shows up and sings.
Javier and James seem a little drunk. Walking weirdly and such. The guys investigate and I follow. There are people coming toward them. Pipe music is being played. The group coming toward Javier and James are shuffling their feet more than walking. Seems weird. The second group is walking weirdly because they suffer some kind of injury. They attack me. I must kill them. The guys are fighting these people. I try to kill them but I think that they might have escaped me. I was trying to sneak up on them. So anyway, the people kinda disappear. That is weird.
Policemen come. I should not be seen. My friends are taken by the police.

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