Gringold by Silver | World Anvil

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Mon 17th Feb 2020 11:24


by Silver Shadowmoon

Silver came to Gringold last night. Silver heard stories of bandits and treasure and Silver thought "Adventure!" Silver sat by the fire in the Inn. Large lady and two orange tieflings talk about someone called Netiry that threatens town and people.
Silver noticed other people come in and hear talk - very big firbolg, orc man, kenku bird, blue tiefling, and hooded lady. Mayor tiefling offer them bag of shinies to protect town!! Adventure! Silver followed them and NEW FRIENDS! Silver thinks the blue one was surprised Silver followed her. Found new goblin friend in woods. Silver has so many new friends! Silver must remember that shinies that belong to friends should stay with friends.
New friends went into the woods and there was death. There was an army. Silver stayed far away from the army. Orc man was very upset, as was firbolg friend - there were dead people on trees. Silver is not very strong but helped put wood in a pile. Goblin friend can turn into different animals! Silver has never had a goblin friend who could be animals! Silver wonders if goblin can become Tabaxi? Goblin friend has a rat friend - rat may not like if goblin becomes cat.
Silver is glad to have friends. Silver hopes friends don't go near army. Silver does not like army.

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