The Raven Queen Conspiracy by Jack Tillerman | World Anvil

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Winterwane 28, 241

The Raven Queen Conspiracy

by Jack Tillerman

DM: Doze

Party: Apollo Hawkscar, Taranis Skoll, Delnis Ahlorsath, Futch Foom'Pa, Handollaf Obici, Holg Braak, and Jack Tillerman
The following letter is posted on the board in Galloran's Hearth. The top of the page is marked with a druidic symbol for the raven.
Fair warnin' to all ye travelers. Keep yer eyes on the sky and be on yer guard fir a conspir'cy from the Raven Queen. 'twas on me way to the hearth yesterday when one of the fellas from johnson n' jonson's mine come runnin' up all outta breath. Said some creatures was wreakin' havoc n' kil't one of th' miners. He was too 'fraid to say much else, so we headed out to check on the mine.
'long the way we seen some shy critt'rs in the woods. Thought it best to keep goin' but Futch wanted to stop n' chatter. Turnt out they was frendly pixies n' they made Futch fly. 'Twas the giddy'st kenku I ever seen. Sad ta say it didn' las long. We was all ill prepared fir what we was walkin' into.
There was nothin' left of the poor miner but Apollo didn' pay no mind ta danger n' walked strait up to the mine wit' a brave face an' 'is clankin' armor. 'Fore we knew what was comin' we was swarmed by thousands of angry ravens coverin' the sky like a dark cloud. Apollo tried to disapp'r but those ravens still run inta 'im. Nex' thing we know, a ploom of snowballs burst through the swarm right 'fore we hear a piercin' scream and see Apollo reapp'r in a pool 'a blood.
I tried to entangel 'em under a canopy a' vines but they slipp'd right through and didn' pay no mind to Futch yellin' at 'em to disperse either. Delnis was swattin' like a tank while Taranis and Handollaf went back to back to fight off a massive swarm. Futch took out some sort'a magic sword and 'im and Holg tried to help out Delnis. There was so many of 'em flyin' round it didn' seem to matter how hard we swung at 'em so I start'd thrown' flames at all of 'em I could see.
'Twas slow goin' but we manag'd to knock em all outta th' sky one by one. Futch ran to Apollo's side soon as he could get to 'im and lucky for 'im he was able to gently repose 'is body. 'Twas a somber ride back to town but we all 'ave a little hope we kin manage ta find someone 'kin bring Apollo back. If I never see 'nother raven again it'll be too soon. Bad 'nough the pesky creatures wreck havoc on me cornfield, but I won' soon forget this terrible unkindness.
Only thing good ta come outta tha whole nightmare 's this big rock I found. The Jo(h)nson's say 'tis some sorta gem could be a real treasure. Guess i'll haveta fin' someone wants ta buy it. Could be a awful lot'a money for a fam'ly a farmers. Oh 'n we managed ta get the mine runnin' again so I 'spose that was good too.
Aye, well. Consider yerselvs warned,
Jack Tillerman

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