Safe for now by Hasim | World Anvil

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Thu 24th Mar 2022 12:36

Safe for now

by Hasim Yilan

I am grateful to the elf. Thanks to her I was able to see my son is safe, at least for now. Ronesh seem to have not made any moves towards him yet, there would be a clear money trail if you know where to look. Tuteshk hasn’t made a play either, if he goes anywhere then people will take notice. Most likely the old man is in the desert with the rest of his kind. Dekar mentioned one of his artifacts is with the untouchables. After what happened with the vampires I’m sure it will be a simple task to get his sword at Tuteshk’s throat. For now I wait because it’s likely they plan on letting me lead them to my son, I mean it’s what I would do. The play now is the jinn and searching for signs of Tuteshk in the sands. If my plan for this works then the cursed city is the perfect location to go after.