Plant Magic by Cass | World Anvil

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28th of Suncrest 242 YD

Plant Magic

by Cass

Over years of trial and error, experimentation and failure, and several near-death experiences, I have developed a number of tried-and-true herbal remedies for the common issues that ail me.
Easiest of all is what I call the "healing juice," wherein I take any of a number of common curative plants and crush them between my fingers to release their juices. This produces a minor healing effect that varies with the availability of the plant. Very helpful for minor insect stings and the like.
I've also experimented with breathing in the smoke of burning mosses (this was an accidental discovery), and found that I can bolster my bravery by doing so.
By being a bit more systematic and careful with my herbal combinations, I can produce a thin, weak healing salve in about a quarter of an hour. It appears to work fairly well for about three days, before losing its potency entirely. Currently, I have three small jars of the stuff, and it has proven quite useful. A thicker, more effective ointment can be created with a bit more time, ingredients, and attention, and I currently don't have enough curative herbs on hand to make any. Unfortunate.
I also don't currently have the ingredients to make one of my favorite beverages, my "shortnight tea." Just one cuppa is enough to reduce the amount of sleep I need by two whole hours, giving me more time to write and experiment.
The trickiest healing concoction I've created yet is a poultice specifically for burns (which I get quite often). It's quite onerous to create, and requires many ingredients. I need to go foraging soon to try and find some more curatives, because I should always have some on hand.

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