Simmer by Cinder | World Anvil

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Toilday the 21st of Pharast


by Cinder

The frontier town of Rayasfield is so mind-numbingly unremarkable that it almost comes full circle into being remarkable for its' sheer insipidity. Perhaps the only interesting thing that's occurred since we've arrived was Variel losing her goddamned mind over a mirror...what was the reason again?
Wait, I may have just imagined that bit.
I suppose that just goes to show the extent of my boredom. She absolutely IS going stir-crazy, though, that requires no imagining on my part. She, Maxwell, and Amity made a few impulse purchases at some cluttered junk shop; a horrifying kite, a book full of poorly constructed research and inaccurate conclusions, and a ceramic vessel shaped as a turtle, respectively. Prior to that, I found myself somehow possessed to ask Amity for a haircut. An unwise thing to do, as though the state of my singed fur isn't sorry enough. Anything for a bit of excitement, I suppose. I have to admit, though--she did pretty well with what she had to work with. The charred matts have been artfully removed and I can actually comb my fingers through these sooty locks. A miracle.
Come morning I'm eager to get on the road as quickly as we're able--lest any more dubious choices creep cross my conscious for the sake of cheap entertainment. I'm patient when I need to be but this place makes me fidgety. At first, I thought something here had unnerved me, but no. It's just PAINFULLY dull.
I know now why the caravan had passed this place by the first time I came through these flatlands.

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  1. In Light of the Smokey Haze on the Horizon
    Moonday the 27th of Calistril
  2. The Gentle Blaze of Somniferum and Sativa
    Toilday 7th of Pharast
  3. Raze the Fields for Harvest
    Oathday the 10th of Pharast
  4. Fuel for the Fire
    Wealday the 15th of Pharast
  5. Simmer
    Toilday the 21st of Pharast
  6. Smoke and Mirrors
    Sunday the 16th of Gozran
  7. Smokeseer
    Wealday the 19th of Gozran