Rise from the Ashes by Syber | World Anvil

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Thu 10th Oct 2019 08:51

Rise from the Ashes

by Syber Agarra

It was not but a few months ago that I saw my home burned to the ground, saw my family burned to ash… The old Syber died in that wreckage of my family home, my skin burning around me. I was fortunately rescued by some passing Ogres, they took me with them. I lost just about everything when the dragon army of Dalthondur Creatis attacked Stokerton. I made it out with my family stave, Ervoss. It felt like we walked for many ages, I saw many things in the fey wilds, many rare herbs and wondrous creatures in my bouts of consciousness. It was not much longer, that we found the home of the Magi. I was immediately taken to a medical tent. When I was stable approximately a week later, I was taken to see the Dragon they called [ ], my hands clenched with fists of rage as it was the dragons that took everything from me. The Magi took me to a sacred pond, where the waves were still and the winds dared to not blow. Then he arose from the depths, a great serpent, the waves parted but dared not crash against the shore either out of a primal fear or a form of ancient respect. He spoke, his voice calm and demeanor relaxing, “what do you seek child of the forests?” to which Syber shouted tears running down her face, teeth clenched “Revenge!”. The dragon mused in silence “What do you think this will give you? Solace? Peace?” he paused “I will give you tools and training, but more importantly I will teach you the ways of the dragons, you are right to feel anger, but you must not let your rage consume you, lest you become a lowly beast.” I did not understand, but I was too weak to fight. Then the day came, The magi were treating me with herbs from the wilds and in the process taught me the ways of a healer. I returned to the pool; the dragon ascended again motioning for her to sit. “Your quest for revenge is only fueled by rage, you will be an instrument of justice for the actions of my kind, but first you must clear your head, your path will be long and difficult, I will teach you to walk this road. But you must be open to learning our ways” Syber sat by the calm waters and reflected, she became lost in a trance that lasted for what seemed like an eternity, hours passed and as day turned to night and night into dawn, Syber came to a somewhat clear understanding. The dragon asked again “What is it that you seek?” to which Syber responded with a calmness that matched the pond “I seek to be a weapon of retribution, to let go of my rage in favor of swift and concise actions”. The dragon remained silent but seemed pleased “You may walk this path, you will be my weapon, your lessons will begin immediately” The dragon then gestured with its head to the magi that guarded one of the pyramids nearby, upon reaching the room up top the doors shut and flames ignited at the end, where a set of dragon bone armor lay on a pedestal, she saw Ervoss now adorned with a fang of a mighty spider, similar to the ones Sybers father told her about as he taught her the ways of the spider in the groves near stokerton. There was a jade ring the was in the shape of the mighty dragon of the pond and beside it a necklace of dragon fangs. Upon donning the armor Syber began her training.

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  1. Rise from the Ashes