The Farm by Tharvol | World Anvil

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Sun 15th Sep 2019 06:45

The Farm

by Tharvol Ashcrown

Raquanda (High Elf)
Shabell (??? Elf)
Anakrion (Blue Dragonborn)
Pelaios (Tiefling)
Sermenti (Human)
We were hired to explore a farmhouse on Dragon Island. Once we got there we were met by a seemingly intelligent Bulette, he wanted us to clear the area surrounding the farmstead of the undead. We cleared the barn of some skeletons and an undead ogre first. Then proceded inside the farmhouse itself and killed two ghoulish beings on the upper floor. We decided to rest for the night before following the trapdoor to lower levels and were ambushed by two wyverns. They knocked Pelaios and Shabell unconscious before we killed them. Then we headed downstairs to find some sort of dungeon. After clearing some of the traps (including some sort of spatial distortion that warped whoever fell into it to the outside) we found the last room, apparently some sort of shrine to Matr. With the building cleared we returned to the Bulette and accepted our reward from him before returning home.

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